It is a truly powerful film, very scary, definitely far more frightening than The Thing, I had nightmares for weeks after this film. The film presents itself as a dream, a nightmare itself, and it doesn't stop until the end, part of me wishes stop stop get me out of this dream I can't live through this vision. In dreams words like cheesy or corny don't exist, it is irrational, nonsensical, just like dreams are, it has no logic, it does exactly the opposite of what a thinking man would probably do when awake. I see the film more like a reflection of the spirit or a ghost that left the body during out of body experience and watches the whole chaos unfolding somewhere in an alternate universe on Mars, and that can be truly TRULY frightening. Why because it is possible and extremely realistic, it can happen, and I believe it does happen the moment I watch it. Many people watching this might be already dead inside. I always watch films like a little child with innocence and new perspective as if I haven't watched any so called film ever before in my life. Then true essence and power of films comes alive for me. It is no longer a mere film for me, it is an experience. Ghosts Of Mars, what a haunting title, imagine these ghosts are real. For me this is one of the greatest achievements from John Carpenter, easily, always was.
I rarely post on this site because it seems that even expressing difference of opinion or just love is trolling these days here. Based on this site one would even believe Ghosts Of Mars is just hated by about everyone, when in my experience in life actually most people hold it among their most favorite from John Carpenter's films. That's how removed from reality people can be, interacting with real people vs reading words from critical minds on the net.