why 5.9
The numbers don't add up this film should have a higher rating.
shareWhy? What's so great about this film to you, and why everyone else should agree with you?
I am on the road less traveled...
Looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed. I don't usually respond to such aggressive questions but I will give you an answer anyway. Whether I like the movie or not isn't the issue and I don't care if everyone agrees with me. I simply pointed out what I believed to be an error in computing the score.
shareNo, you didn't. That current score is agglomeration of the members here who have rated it. You believe the score to be in error. All I did was ask why?
And you take that as an "angry" reply? Aren't you sensitive. I looked on your page and found no ratings -- did you even rate the film yourself?
Dude, you definately ARE a douchebag
shareDude, all i did was ask a question and the other person says I'm "angry" and now to you I'm a "douche". I guess asking questions is too much for some people; especially in not actually answering them.
I am on the road less traveled...
I bet you are quite the party animal... Loser.
shareQuite a few *beep* in this thread, I see...
Person A complains that the rating for a film doesn't match their personal rating.
Person B asks why it should. (No name-calling, hostility, or disparagement of any kind)
Person A immediately becomes defensive, complains that question was aggressive.
Person B reassures them that it was a simple question; there was nothing in the post that was either emotional or could have been taken as a personal attack.
Then two other halfwits chime in and start insulting Person B.
I mean what happened to reading comprehension ability here? Or is this the level of intelligence required for a person to enjoy this movie?
See nammage (person B) didn't insult anyone. I did. See the difference?
It’s a better movie then it scores on here. No they didn’t need to come at u with that attitude, but this is the internet and that’s the way people act on the internet I guess. I like this movie and watch it every once in awhile
shareno, you have a tone that fosters hostility. you should not deny this
share@tika313 I see The 6th Day as a bad clone of Total Recall.
Bad directing with all those angled shots (couldn't the director hold the camera horizontally?), forgettable dialog, and the look of a TV movie. It's not terrible, but why would you watch it again? 5.9 is about right.
I'd give it a 6.5
Enjoyed it even though it has thin parts. It is above the waterline of Arnie movies.
I think this movie is alright and that it could have been so much better
sharegoogle users like this movie by 82% this score is much more accurate in my opinion than rotten tomatoes or imdb. they will give a move an extra couple points for catering to sjw communities and subtract a couple points for not. rt and imdb are better at rating what the mainstream elite think about a movie propaganda value then the movies actual entertainment value. the common people are to be trusted not the "movie critics"
shareTo add on to this point, a lot of older movies are garnering higher ratings from newer audiences because it's being measured against a weighted algorithm that now includes movies from today that didn't exist back in 2000.
For instance, for a 2000 film and measured against other movies of that era (and before it), it absolutely is a 5.9 film. However, we grade art on a gradient based on perspective, and the perspective for this film has changed drastically over the last 20 years, so much so that we can clearly see that -- as per users in this thread -- this film is now best considered a 6.5 out of 10.
Why the whole 0.6 point increase? Because, as you said, today's movies are weighed by critics on an SJW scale, and actual normal moviegoers are weighing movies AGAINST that scale. So if you watch The 6th Day today and compare it to the rest of the action sci-fi schlock Hollywood has produced, it absolutely does come across as a 6.5 film rather than a 5.9 film. It's not rife with SJW-laden dialogue and tropes, and it actually stars a masculine, straight-white male who isn't undermined by POCkers.
So in that regards yeah, you're right, Google users are seeing these films and realizing they're worth more than the salt that the SJW critics have lobbed at such films, and compared to today's boring, nonsensical, politically correct dross, films like The 6th Day practically look like a masterpiece.
beautifully said!
shareNostalgia could also play a part as well. Some movies just age like fine wine and while this movie isn't perfect, it's still very enjoyable. With that said, after seeing this on trend, I am now forced to watch it again because, NOSTALGIA!
shareBecause it looks like it was made in 1995.
share100 years later and it's STILL 5.9.
Probably accurate.
I have little or no memory of this film but I apparently gave it an 8/10 on imdb.
Sweet Dreams.