MovieChat Forums > 100 Girls (2000) Discussion > The Worst Film I've Ever Seen...

The Worst Film I've Ever Seen...

Writer/director Michael Davis is a hack. 100 Girls is the worst film I've ever seen. It's not the most awful film I've ever seen, but the psuedo-intelligent look at modern romance that this film purports to have is just insulting, and it's totally demeaning towards women -- oh, all those women we're assaulted, but it took a man to take a stand for them to come forward. Total pretentious crap writing.

Have a good day.
John Cage


I guess you're one of the "ist" mentioned in the film. Probably a feminist. hehehehe


Absolutely wrong opinion in every aspect. Another clueless individual with no intellectual ability at all to recognize a terrific movie. Men who don't like this movie are little boys, see themselves in it, or have hamburger for brains. To say this movie is demeaning to women is like saying you don't like water because it's too wet!
Without a doubt, one of the best 'teen romps' ever produced. Sure, as the title suggests, it has more beautiful, sexy young starlets per average minute of film than you'll find in a half dozen National Lampoon features. There's more witty banter, thoughtful humor and genuine heart-felt concern in this flick to fill several movies in a much over-done and mediocre genre. If anything, it might have tried too hard to make it's many points. It's teeming with insightful male/female relationship ideals, much of which are fundamentally valid, even verging on truth without getting too mushy. Such things guys rarely think about when pursuing the fair sex. After seeing this movie some guys will change their hunting tactics, for better or for worse. I know I would if I was 40 years younger and single. There are a few raunchy moments, some sterotypes, certain implausible absurdities (and what movie doesn't?), and one very long tender speech rivaling Cusack's boombox serenade in Say Anything. All told, it's a delightful change of pace from the majority of poorly made teen flicks with lots of semi-nude eye candy (some nudity too) surely to please all except pitiful posers or guys who love to hit girls. Seeing Chriqui, Graham, Pressly and Heigl in their absolute youthful prime is more than well worth it. See it if you like beautiful women...unless your girlfriend or wife forbids it....


Sure there are movies worse than this one. But not a whole lot come to mind. Gigli, maybe. Just maybe though.

Boy, did this suck.

--Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness--


i don't like you !


You're so cool. I agree with you.


LOL, no. Men who LIKE this movie are little boys who see themselves in the protagonist and get caught up in the fantasy of being worshiped by women for spouting off stereotypes about what men THINK women are thinking. None of his observations about women are valid as women (as well as men) are not a monolith. Maybe he got some things right for some women, but certainly not all or even most women. Additionally, all his observations about men are literally just trying to pass the buck with standard "boys will be boys" rhetoric. Let's treat men like animals with absolutely no self control or respect for women that way they'll never have to take responsibility for, I dunno, the gross violation of privacy rights or the deliberate betrayal and deceit of dozens of women. That way we can pawn predators like the protagonist off on women by juxtaposing them against rapists and abusers, as if the lesser of two evils is literally the best they'll ever get.

There is no chance a man will ever respect or listen to you ladies. The best you have to look forward to is a guy who is going to tell you what you're thinking, feeling, and needing, and see you as a one-dimensional caricature with boobs. He'll have casual sex with you and debate in his mind about whether YOU'RE a slut. He'll see any attempt at expressing your discontent with the lot you've been dealt as a woman as being the equivalent of Hitler ordering the torture and murder of people based on their religion. Give me a break dude. This movie is insightful only to the intellectually devoid, misogynistic narcissists who think they know better than women about their own lived experiences. It's absolute garbage and any decent man should feel insulted by it's accusations.


You're just a harsh critic. This movie was actually entertaining. I could write a long list of movies that are worse than this. But whats the point? Movies are made for people's entertainment. Obviously a lot of people were entertained by this movie. So it did its purpose. It's almost as though you think by using big words, fancy terms, and throwing out a directors name you're some macho man that knows what he's talking about. The movie wasn't for you, that's fine but get over it and be more open minded to movies or you're just limiting yourself to their entertainment.



The main problem was the actor which was completely ridiculous in his role. He hasn't got a manly bone in his body and yet the movie pretends he is some kind of Casanova.

The amount of attractive women in this film only made the film more unbearable since this 'guy' was running around them all the time.

If a young Matthew McConaughey played the main role it would have been a hoot, unfortunately this unfunny, uncharismatic, feminine, ignorant dumbass is supposed to be some kind of heroic protagonist. Nope.


John Cage, Shewolf of the SS


Its an horrendous movie, nobody could act, it was never even remotely funny, the main character got on my nerves, the monologues were annoying, it tried to be deep and intelligent when it was just pretentious garbage. The IMDB score should be under 5.


...Thank you?

Have a good day.
John Cage


i feel bad that you are not educated... take out a loan and go to school online,read stepping out, you know the mag where you find your dates in the back... I am a phoenix!!!


Normally I would turn off a movie this bad. John, I totally agree with you about the Psuedo-intelligent dialog. I had to challenge myself to ride it out to the end. On some of these strings I have seen comparisons to "Say Anything", which was to me the benchmark of teen coming of age movies. Another comparison to Animal House? Wow. Most "comedies" will at least make me chuckle once, but this one was more like holding back the urge to throw up for an hour and a half.
I have seen recent teen movies that have made me laugh, or even touched me in some way, but this definitely was not one of them.


