MovieChat Forums > Pearl Harbor (2001) Discussion > Were the Do Little raids something that ...

Were the Do Little raids something that really happened?

Alick Baldwin character said they were Top Secret, hana


Most certainly. Shortly after Pearl Harbor, FDR floated the idea of a carrier raid on Japan. The problem of range was solved by the idea of using B-24s, and Col. Dolittle was asked to put together a group for a top secret mission. Over the next two months those pilots were trained in making take-offs from a short landing strip. In March they flew to San Francisco and were loaded onto the deck of the Hornet which sailed to a point about 700 miles east of Japan when they were sighted by Japanese pickets (who did get off a message but the receivers thought it would take another 24 hours for the carriers to get in range to attack; 5 hours later the raiders appeared over Tokyo and 3 other cities.)

Much history on this raid, including the old movie "30 Seconds Over Tokyo." Rafe and his boyfriend weren't involved in the attack though.


Doolittle used B 25's twin engined medium bombers. B 25 were 4 engined heavy bombers, and too big to fly off a carrier. But yes, they did launch planes against Tokoyo. At the time FDR stated the planes (B 25s are land based) that they were launched from a secret base "Shangra La" (From the movie Lost Horizon) Later in the war, the Navy christened an aircraft Carrier USS Shangra La.



seems so from the other replies , but given it was tactically insignificant ,and had no effect on the war , was it really worth an extra hour on the movie?


Worth nothing? The damage was minor, but the Japanese military heads were afraid of more raids, so they tied up a significant number of planes for nation defense. Those plane would have easily killed Allied pilots had they been deployed. Also, the Japanese people had been told they were invulnerable and untouchable, and this proved that wrong: for the first time, some doubt did form in the minds of the Japanese people. Therefore it was a strategic success, much like the Battle of Coral Sea, the following month.

FDR didn't think of a carrier raid, but he wanted to bomb Japan as soon as possible. It was a Navy guy that came up with the idea of launching off a carrier- FDR was thinking about bombing from China.

Most importantly, the morale of the US people surged after hearing about the raid- that was a dark time in US history- we had lost Wake and the Philippines, and the Pacific Fleet was in a shambles. The US needed a boost.

But yes, you are right about one thing: It was not worth the extra hour- NO fighter pilot would ever be selected to fly a B-25 bomber for a never-before tried secret mission. It took place almost 5 months after the events of Pearl Harbor, and almost nothing depicted in the movie actually happened during the raid, except they did actually bomb Tokyo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Kobe and Osaka. THAT BS was pure Michael Bay, and the Alec Baldwin character was nothing like the real James Doolittle.

It would have been more poignant to show the trial of one crew- several were executed. THAT actually happened.



hey thanks for the info Joe. Which crew was on trial? a B-25 crew refusing to go?


No US Air Forces member would ever refuse to go in 1942. IIRC, one crew had engine problems, so their ship wasn't loaded on the carrier in CA, and they were devastated.

Now that I think about it, 2 crews were captured by the Japanese. One wasn't a full crew - several had drowned - but these crews were tried in a Japanese court and sentenced to death. Only a few were executed, the rest had their sentences commuted.

Sorry, it's been a few years since I read "I'll Never Be SO Lucky Again," Doolittle autobiography, so I'm a little hazy on the exact names and dates.



"Were the Do Little raids something that really happened?"


However, the "Doolittle Raid" DID happen in April 1942.

And it was NOTHING like in the movie.



I don't know much about history but my college professor is a history whiz. He told me the Dolittle raids were accurately portrayed in this movie and the 2 atomic blasts came right after the successful Dolittle raids


Well done.





Wikipedia is your friend.
