Spoiler warning.......the end of the book Clarice saves lector, and after he saves her she realizes that Lector was her lamb and she was always his, they fall in love and run off together! Knowing the FBI will never have her back, true love. Awesome ending compared to the horrible film ending of lector eating brains on a plane with some oriental child. How stupid
The book was indulgent tosh that crapped all over one of the greatest, most strong-willed heroines of modern literature and film. Starling risked it all to take down Gumb... then ended up in a relationship with another extreme anti-social personality? Nah. Foster and Hopkins hated it, and I'm right there with them.
True; but specifically about the ending in this case, even the book ending is not very good. Too off the walls and bizarre; him digging up the rotting corpse of her father and 'conversing' with her while she was high on pain killers. Completely breaking her down mentally and then them 'running' off together, him seemingly 'cured' of being a psychopathic cannibal mass murderer because 'loved cured' him, or something. very odd ending.
I think the end of the movie is a little better; more subtle. Him cutting off his own hand instead of hers is a subtle way of showing the 'potential' for him to make sacrifice because he cares about someone. But it doesn't 'indulge' into it and leaves you wondering.
I think the only 'real problem' with the movie is Julianne Moore is awful.
I've read three of the four books. This is the one I haven't read (it's on my to-do list, lol). I've read a lot of books and seen the movies based on lot of them and I try to appreciate them on their own. People who expect movies to mirror the books are always disappointed but movies have big time constraints and the book readers are not their prime demographic. Of the three I've read, I like Red Dragon the best. It REALLY gets inside Dolarhyde's mind. If I had to chose, I'd probably say I liked Manhunter better than Red Dragon as a movie. It seemed closer to the book vibe and a bit more genuine. I love Ed Norton but I don't think he was right for the Will Graham role.
Currently I'm enjoying the Hannibal series with Mads Mikkelsen (whom I love) and in some ways, I like his Hannibal better than Hopkins', not to say Hopkins did a bad job. He was clearly brilliant but Mikkelsen is a lot more subtle and low key. As an example, Hopkins' taunting Clarice, to me is an overt example of attempted manipulation that anyone of intelligence would easily spot. Mikkelsen is a lot more sly and crafty and people have no idea he's controlling their every move.
P.S. I didn't mind Moore but I do like Foster better as Clarice.
I think I agree; Red Dragon might have been the best book; but Silence is the best film; but IMO Hopkins is much better in Hannibal than in Silence.
I 'mostly' agree about Mikkelsen giving a great performance; much more subtle. I think he perfectly catches the 'low key' Hannibal we only catch glimpses of in Hopkins' performance. But Mikkelsen is also too 'reserved' in certain scenes especially When they get to the "red dragon' timeline. Lecture in the books does occasionally get irritated have have overt reactions to people; which Mikkelsen never shows. Also the last season of Hannibal became way too self indulgent and fizzles out in the end when obviously they were expected to get renewed but didn't. I won't spoil it for you since I don't know where you are at exactly; but be prepared for a disappointing ending (not really bad but just meh)
I can't stand Moore; but that be because I can't stand her in anything. I really dislike that actress in almost everything I have seen her in.
I'm right at where Hannibal turns himself in which I didn't see coming, lol. I think Pazzi's death and Verger's were both better in the movie but not bad. Mikkelsen has murmured that Netflix may do another season. I hope so.
If you REALLY want to hate Moolre, watch Blindness (2008). A lot of people like it but it's one of the most idiotic movies I've ever seen.
I hope they do another season; but at the same the 'end' of season 3 I am not sure how they could do it now. Hard to explain without spoiling it but something will have to be retconned. And honestly at this point I want Graham out of the story, they were trying to blend Starling and Graham together into one character it seemed and it is coming across as just odd. Graham's story is done, they need to not bring him back. Besides Dancy was only good in the first season, after that he was just acting like a kicked puppy and it got old fast.
Meh, I read the book before the film adaptation and didn't like how Harris redrew all of the main characters. It seems that Harris was spoiled by the success of SotL and felt compelled to incorporate that film's oeuvre of Hannibal and his little Hopkins-induced quirks as well as the image of Jodie Foster being his lover was more like a fanservice/fanfiction regression than an actual progression of all of the character arcs involved.