I kinda liked it on release but much preferred Minority Report. A.I. was slower, ‘emotional’ and a little dull in places, although I remember the ending packing a huge emotional wallop. It always stayed with me though and that’s usually a good sign.
Now I watch it every couple of years. I love the cold, austere tone and the subtle horror vibe for the first half. The Shining hovers between the psychological and the supernatural, A.I. hovers between artificiality and authenticity.
I love the idea of A.I. long outliving humans and David becoming a fossil with sacred information about humanity. Also the idea of fairytales outliving humanity.
The only weak points are the rather dull, protracted Googling scene with ‘Dr Know’ and the idea that someone would want a mecha child that will never grow old. You’re 85 and it’s still a naive 10 year old - it’d drive you crazy.