MovieChat Forums > Kurono toriga (1995) Discussion > favorite music in the game????

favorite music in the game????

My personal favorite music in the game is the battle music when you face Maguc, oohhh, that's soooo nice.


Battle with Magus, closly followed by Battle with Lavos

It's life, Jim, but not as we know it...


My favorite has to be Frog's theme.

"This town is too small for a man of my ambition."
- Edward Bloom ( Ewan McGregor), Big Fish


in no particular order

magus' theme
frog's theme
robo's theme
guardia castle
600 a.d
zeal music
boss battle


Two Words...

Chrono Symphonic...

If you don't listen to it once, ur insane...



The music played when you get the (bunny-looking) doll you get from the festival. what is that song?


OMG, I'm surprised no one mentioned Burn! Bobonga! Burn! - that wuz my favorite chrono trigger song! I used play it over and over. I use to imitate the little dance the characters the did to the music too!

I am the Spoiler Nazi...............................NO SPOILERS FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!




Lavos II
Lavos III
Underwater Palace
600 A.D.
2300 A.D.
Melenial Fair
Celebration (post-Lavos)
End Credits

Anime is Forever


I was very lucky to find this game. VERY lucky. Got it for around $20 used. I'm not really that far, but wow, just wow. Just watching the opening again and again is wonderful.

The festival music is good, the residence music is really something good (I like "talking" to the cat, that's so cute)! But I went up to something I didn't know what, and it said something like "0 lbs cat food." I kept trying to find some, but I can't, lol is that possible??

Well the good thing is, when I bought the game, there were already two adventure logs, and everyone is around levels 49-50 with 800-999 HP & everything. I beat Lavos' first form but got slaughtered by the 2nd. I just wanna find a game genie code where I can just witness an ending for once!!! Has anyone ever seen every possible ending to this game?


Guardia Forest

Tommy: lol did you just have 4 different mood swings in that PM?
:D :( :@ :<3


First of all, let me just say that the entire soundtrack of this game was amazing, just like the game. This is definitely some of the best music on snes. Here are my favorites, all of the ones that I barely saw other people mention.

determination - excellent spin on the chrono trigger theme
secret of the forest - the best 'peaceful meadow' music I've ever heard.
silent light - the piano (?) is great
frog's theme - love it, so heroic.
robo - addictive, easy to get into.
battle 2 - this and singing mountain are both good, I wonder why they didn't make it into the game?
the brink of time - Pure magic, I love every single last detail about it. That harp is just so enchanting.
delightful spekkio - great laidback kind of beat, brings a good feeling.
schala's theme - the use of instruments and sounds is fantastic.
sealed door - Great. I love the hopeful, mysterious feeling.
tyran castle - starts off slow, and ascends into a fun listen.
undersea palace - EXCELLENT! Why have I only seen this mentioned a few times? You know it's good when it still plays as you're fighting monsters.
black dream - good choice for the last 'dungeon', mysterious and chilling.
world revolution - this alone would've been great for the final battle, but instead is a nice preview to my favorite track of all:
last battle - holy smokes, this is astonishing. Yasunori Mitsuda is a genius. By far the best music I've ever heard for any final battle in any game. Although Dancing Mad in Final Fantasy 6 competes, this is much shorter and way sweeter.
To Far Away Times - Another 10/10 track. A perfect conclusion to a great game.


The whole f_cking sountrack is haunting.

But I don't know why so many people failed to mention Seret of the Forest. Wow, taht song is just brilliant and I've only heard a few recognize it.

And wow at Ocean palace, that song is just....

How you like them apples?



It'S a tie between:

Magus' theme
Frog's theme
600 A.D.
THe Magical Kingdom of Zeal.

If you guys enjoy music from Chrono Trigger, you should really get Chrono Symphonic, it's available for free at and it'S completely legal.


I'm not sure of the theme's name but it plays in the church/cathedral after you recruit Frog and go into the secret door that appears after playing the piano.

It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here




If I had to pick one it would have to be: To Far Away Times (aka the ending theme). Here's the youtube link. =P
