MovieChat Forums > Get Carter (2000) Discussion > A remake better than the original.

A remake better than the original.

I thinks so, I liked it alot, everybody say it stinks but I like it. The Michael Caine version from -71 did stink though.


Come on man.. Why the f... is it such a big problem if people like the remake??? I'm getting sick and tired of all this original/remake nonsens.. I havent seen the original version of this movie, but I liked the stallone version alot.. Actually I think this is one of stallone's best perfomances.. Well this was just about this movie, now I wanna say something in general.
People are so afraid of saying anything bad about the old movies, and I haven't seen a remake in here, who has been given a higher grade than the original.. Personally I almost fell asleep during the old texas chainsaw massacre, while the remake at least kept me awake..
Come on, don't be afraid of liking the remake..


I haven't seen the remake and, in fact, only just saw the original last night.

Absolutely one of the best movies that I've ever seen.

None of the hollywood white teeth and muscles, no happy ending, no unrealistic chases. Loved it, absolutely loved it :-)

I might watch the remake out of curiousity, but I can almost gaurantee that it will be very very bad in comparison.


The original Get Carter is soooo good.

Caine is a definition of cool in this film.

Stallone should never have made that remake. It is truly awful.


Folks, it's official now : " The worst remake ever made - Get Carter " - IMDB news section !

Michael Caine forever !!!


ahahaha. you must be out of your mind.


sorry, I tried to like this remake but I think it stinks. Rather than coming across as an intimidating gangster character stallone looks as if he is just going through the motions looking forward to his paycheck for the role.
I like stallone, in the violent/action film gendre he works well. but not in this one. maybe chris walken would have done better? he plays a good mean B*****d. Part of the reason for the success of the original was the whole dingy, gritty setting in the industial north of Britain, plus the fact that carter is such an unpleasant character but with a glint of inteligence behind the violence. stallone's carter comes across as a psychopath and nothing more.
I thought the Italian job "remake" was ok, as long as you dont try and compare it to the original because all it has in common with it is that they use 3 minis in a chase scene.


I felt that Get Carter was a much better remake than the Italian Job.

Stallone made me think that there was more to Carter than just the violence. There's the whole scene where he's betrayed by his lover that makes you realize he's a pretty complex character.

Maybe I just need to get my head examined.

"I'm telling you, it's jobs. We gotta get jobs. Then we get the khakis. Then we get the chicks."


youre a grown man youre out of shape now behave yourself


These are two different films. The original is edgy, dark, grim, British, and probably a little too complicated for your modern cinema going audience. There aren't enough explosions or car-chases, and the body count is too low. The violence when it does happen is too realistic. Michael Caine actually manages to convey hardness and brooding menace by the way he moves, the way he looks and the way he speaks (It's called acting). For me this was the high point of Caine's career.
Hollywood has made good films like this to Eg. 'Point Blank' (1967). This was also remade rather badly. It takes the sting out of Sly's stinker, when you realise that Hollywood can foul up it's own movie gems to.


Enough with better than another nonsense. I have viewed original and remake version. I liked both of them a lot. Both films had its own pros and cons. It happens to all movies though. What's so good about original was the directing style, setting, a shocking ending and well made for 70s films however I felt that Michael Caine doesn't do much of a hard ass character in this film than what Sylvester Stallone did for remake. Some type of character that Michael Caine should have done for the original was something like what he did in Steven Seagal's On Deadly Ground but not being so stupid like that in Seagal's film. If he had done that in original version then definitely it will be much better than remake. What's so good about remake was.. that it had better cast, more fast paced filled with anger characteristics from Stallone and I liked the old fashioned car chase style in remake, it's something that I always have missed for a while since most action films today had done bad style for car chases. And also I liked remake's color and tone, it does really fits to its own story. I know that Stallone can be an awful actor in many of his own films but in Get Carter remake, I thought he gave out a solid performance in a while but it is not far superior to his performance in Cop Land. Something that he could be beaten up while being pissed off in the whole movie. Not just an actor who just beat up all bad guys and wins the day. I always liked it when an actor who struggled himself or herself to finish up whatever he or she had to do.


i saw the remake with stallone first. i liked it. then i watched the caine original. i liked that one too. but in all honesty, i liked the remake better. im usually very against remakes, since they tend to be very poorly done. this remake had some cheesy elements, but overall, i liked the style. i think stallone is much more believable as a professional killer than michael caine. now, i love michael caine. he is one of my favorite actors of all time. my favorite movie of his is 'sleuth.' but i just never really accepted him as a killer in the original. and despite what everyone says about stallone's acting abilities, i think he's very underrated. lest we forget he was nominated for best actor for both an academy award and a golden globe for rocky. granted he has made a number of terrible decisions as to what movies he's made since then, but i think he gave a very solid, against type performance in 'cop land,' so it's not that he's incapable. there's another stallone movie on right now that i've never heard of, called "lock up," and so far i like his performance in that. i definitely liked his performance in the get carter remake. mickey rourke and john c. mcginley also were very good, as usual, although alan cummings gave one of his weaker performances. one scene that was in both movies really stands out in my mind as being better in the remake. when carter is leaning in to talk to the guys in the car, and the guy inside starts to open the door, and carter kicks it in. it was damn cool in the original, but holy *beep* he tears the guy up in the remake. it should also be said that i'm not a big fan of action movies, so what i was really focusing on was the story and the characters. the original is a classic, no doubt, but just because it's a classic doesnt mean it's perfect. in the context of the time, michael caine in that kind of role was more surprising and interesting. but that was 30 years ago, and there have been a billion movies made since then that trade on the same basic plot, so we're jaded now. so to everyone who hates the new one because it can't hold up to the original, maybe some night the stallone remake will come on tv (like it is right now on TNT), maybe there will be nothing else on, and maybe you'll give it another chance. and maybe, you'll let yourselves forget all about the original, and you'll like it.






I saw the remake first too but both of them were good though like I said, both films had pros and cons, basically...they're all the same except on those stuff that they made some difference, some might have updated to make it better or some don't. That's why I liked both of them. I don't usually hate remakes or anything like that. I just like anything from movies. Take Dawn of the Dead as an example...I thought the original was much better than remake but I viewed remake again and thought it was a nice remake. Like I said... there is nothing that can be criticized or slap down so hard. George A. Romero's Dawn of the Dead had excellent music and fast pacing even though the gore and violence was so cheesy but it had great moments of pacing. I didn't feel any of excitement for remake that much as I did for the original which is probably why I didn't like some kind of special effects that they used for remake. I prefer more of realistic techinques with use of stuntmen including camera movements. Remake is good because they updated the makeups of zombines that George A. Romero had failed for original one however, you know why he failed for original because technology hasn't improved at that time. Wow, is that funny to see a big difference compared to 70s to 90s films..they had a true quality to its own films than present films. Look how good Star Wars episode 4 to 6 were compared to episode 1 to 3. It's part of reason why it turned me off. Anyways my point to both versions of Get Carter...remake had its own style that does fit to its theme that original didn't have. That goes same for Stallone's characater, he did the job as what he supposed to do for his character that Caine didn't do in original version. Original version had its own moments like the film had British style to it which is part of the reason why it was much better because it had different style than America's version.


Michael Caines version is quality. I haven't seen this one and I doubt I ever will



This movie is so underrated. It is definitly better than the old one. It gets no respect but it should.


First of all, I didn't even know The Grudge was a remake. Second of all, I don't think anyone thought it was good and certainly not just because it was American.

"I'm telling you, it's jobs. We gotta get jobs. Then we get the khakis. Then we get the chicks."


There was another remake of Get carter in the early 70's called Hit Man ( It had an all black cast and was set in the US, it even had a different ending to either the original or this remake. Do people slate that version anywhere near as much as they criticise this shallow money spinner? No.

The problem with Get Carter 2000 is not that it is a remake or American. The problem is that that it lacks the depth of the original or Hit Man. It removes the subtle brilliance of the original and replaces it with overblown fistfights and dull dialogue. Of course, if you liked 2000 more than 1971 the subtle brilliance was probably wasted on you. You probably wouldn't have noticed the hypocrisy of Carter or any of the morality tales (These were mostly omitted from the Stallone remake) that actually made the original a good film- it was a thinker's film. The remakers must have noticed that they got Stallone on board and decided to make it an action film, which it is not. On action alone the original would have fallen lower than this version. But the original is more than redeemed by the plot. Get Carter 2000 has no plot. It only loosely follows the original so that the fights and chases make some degree of sense.

On it's own, Get Carter 2000 is a dull employment opportunity for a couple of ageing actors. Compare it with either the 1971 version or Hitman, and you see what it COULD have been, then more is the pity at a sad waste of talent.


It's unfortunate that whenever somebody says they like a remake, somebody invariably says it's because the viewer isn't smart enough to enjoy the original.

"I'm telling you, it's jobs. We gotta get jobs. Then we get the khakis. Then we get the chicks."


caine is MUCH more believable as a hard man gangsta than stallone. I cant take that muscle bound guy seriously as Jack, and the americanised ending ruined the entire film for me, they made a mistake in remaking the original classic.

"how do ya like dem apples!" (matt damon, Good Will Hunting)


I agree, and this is also one of Stallones best movies...


this is by far stallones worst film

his best must be rambo first blood or the specialist
