It would've been hard to imagine back in the Nintendo 64 era that James Bond 007 games would ever go out of style, especially after Rare changed the face of console gaming with its own Bond installment based on GoldenEye, Pierce Brosnan's first adventure as 007. There are many who regard 1997's GoldenEye 007 as one of the games responsible for popularizing console shooters and paving the way for franchises like Halo and Call of Duty.share
Thanks to its fast-paced, split-screen multiplayer that pit up to four players in several deathmatch modes — a feature that was added in as a bit of an afterthought by Rare — GoldenEye 007 became the second best-selling game on the Nintendo 64 in North America, with 8 million copies sold. GamePro even ranked GoldenEye 007 as the ninth most important video game of all time for its game-changing multiplayer mode.
Unfortunately, Rare never got a shot at another Bond game after it was acquired by Microsoft in 2002. It was up to other studios and publishers to build on GoldenEye 007's massive success.
Read More: https://www.svg.com/122898/whatever-happened-james-bond-video-games/?utm_campaign=clip