Can one take the opinion seriously of anybody who thought TWINE was a good game? In all reality, I know its all about preferences. But its true that Goldeneye paved the way. How many had even played a fps before Goldeneye? I know I hadn't. From the first day I played my brother-the-Bond-fan's Goldeneye game I was forever changed. Gaming is in my blood - was since the day I was born, passed down from my father I suppose. While I prefer to play any of the Halo games (yes, I like campaign, especially 2 player with one of my brothers, or with both brothers on Halo 3 via system link), occasionally both my brothers and I will get nostalgic for an older game, and that is almost always Mario Kart 64 or Goldeneye. I really liked Perfect Dark too, but my brothers don't care much for it. The game is just too choppy at times. Goldeneye is very smooth flowing for an N64 game, and we have a lot of laughs playing it.
I AM the Darkside.