Sequel!!! Why???

This is the only movie I've seen in a theater and do not own on DVD. As a matter of fact I have not since it was released, even seen it again. I'm pretty sure this is the worst movie I've ever seen and would avoid a sequel like the plague.


I completely disagree this is a bad film, it is absurd, quirky, filled with intresting lingo, and is one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen. Howver, it is also one of the funniest films I have ever seen - I love this crazy movie. But I think a sequel makes no sense and shouldn't happen, it'll just bring down the first movie. It's a really bad idea


Why? Need you ask?


'nuff said?


too bad they died in a freak tragic gasoline fight accident

i always love that one


Because everyone knows that sequels are only made when you, tybarius57, like it. Try and realize that everyone has a different taste in movies and just because you didn't like this one, doesn't mean others don't like it as well.


anybody ask U?


=="This is the only movie I've seen in a theater and do not own on DVD."==

You own the DVD of EVERY movie you've seen in the theater(Except this one)?

I'm calling BS on that. Nobody has been that good at pegging hits and misses based solely on trailers and buzz.

Sorry, I just don't buy that.



Well, I think it's one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. I LMAO every time I see it! So I will definitely see the sequel.

Moisture is the essence of wetness. And wetness is the essence of beauty. -Zoolander


Hmmm...just saw this today and I agree with the OP. I think one of these movies was enough. Just IMO...

"I'm so glad I found you on Facebook. Now I can stalk you properly."


I hated it the first time I saw it, but it's grown on me quite a bit. If it's on cable I'll watch it when nothing else is on.


On March 10, 2015 Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson appeared at the Paris Fashion Week in character as Derek Zoolander and Hansel McDonald. That same day it was announced that "Zoolander 2" would be released on February 12, 2016.


I've watched this movie on TV and I couldn't believe how bad it was. I then found out how popular this movie is, how badly people wanted a sequel, how this movie was hyped as a new Godfather of the comedies. Holy hell. I think we can blame the most Reddit and tumblr, since a lot of hype started on that *beep*

In my opinion, my personal opinion, this movie reeks of *beep* its terrible and unbelievable how people want to see a sequel. Good night and see ya.


Perhaps the OP had predicted the future...

So is this a sequel to the original 80s-90s movie or a sequel to just the original that was played before but not 80-90s original.

Either way ... The question to this movie isn't "why?" for a sequel, but why for a remake that movies keep being remade. So, while this isn't a remake, at least it's a sequel...15 years later.
