Milla ugly

they sure made milla jovovich look ugly in this movie

she is hot in real life though, but not in this movie
accent was ugly too


i think that was kind of the point. she had to be harsh looking, because she played an evil character.




Really? I thought she looked super-hot in this movie!

Of course, I tend to find the dominatrix look sexy . . .


If you all see the bit when they brainwsh Derek, I'm pretty sure she is dressed as one of the nurses.

And she looks HOT!!!


I don't think ugly is the right word--"Intimidating", "scary","evil", maybe.

I thought she looked basically beautiful. And I think that the average woman would pay a million dollars to look her kind of "ugly".


I got kinda turned on when Milla got punched in the face, drawing blood and she liked it...


I don't think it's possible to make Milla look ugly.


Matilda does call Katinka a she-man at the end of the film, so maybe it was done on purpose?
