MovieChat Forums > Zoolander (2001) Discussion > Why couldn't derek take off his underwea...

Why couldn't derek take off his underwear?

watching the scene of the walk off and the conversation between Matilda, why couldn't he take off his underwear?
was it because he couldn't turn left and Hansel did?



yes. obviously looking in real life it's not possible i'm talking about in the movie why couldn't he



Cos everybody's wrong him about and maybe he's got some you know what.

"There was very little sound from the man except for a continual series of moans." Charles Bukowski


Beacause he couldn't turn left. /topic


He says afterwards that all Hansel had to do to beat him was turn left. He didn't need to do this over the top underwear pulling thing.

Life's too short to live it as a bad person.


In the realm of the movie, that was Hansel's edge over Derek (minus the turn left thing, which is what Derek said is ALL he had to do to beat him.) He was just so incredibly limber that he could remove his underwear without taking his pants off. Derek, while great in his own way, just wasn't limber enough to pull off the stunt.

On another note, I find it funny that because of Derek's "just turning left would have beat him" remark, it implies that Hansel never once turned left durning the entire walk-off.


Hansel never turns left in the entire walk off

Life's too short to live it as a bad person.


Jesus Christ...




i always love that one



Maybe he's a never nude, we shouldn't judge.


It is a hyperbolic metaphor indicating that Derek is past his prime and can't do the tough moves a limber young model can still do. This is clearly indicated in his retro 80s clothes and Hansel's 90s California surfer style. When out charmed by Derek, Hansel just went for a tough physical move that only a youngster could pull off. That could be anything in a normal competition, and they just used this gag to represent that.


Actually, it wasn't. Derek talks about how he's NEVER been able to turn left, so it's not a 'past his prime' thing.


No, no, you're confused. It was that dude at the cemetery had his hand in a hyperbolic metaphor.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


oh no


It's because Hansel is limber. Too limber.


Have you ever tried removing your underwear whilst wearing skin tight pants? Try it, then come back and tell us how you got on, then maybe you'll understand why Derek struggled.

People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people
