Rank the FD series

1. Final Destination
2. Final Destination 3
3. Final Destination 2

I still have to see the 4th. I honestly didn't think the 2nd one was that bad though.

Ron Paul 2012!


Final Destination ♥
Final Destination 3
Final Destination 2
Final Destination 5
The Final Destination


1. Final Destination
2. Final Destination 3
3. Final Destination 2
4. Final Destination 5
5. The Final Destination

"I've learned our choices always matter to someone, somewhere."- Daud, Killer of the Empress


1. Final Destination
2. Final Destination 3
3. Final Destination 5
4. Final Destination 2

5. The Final Destination

I'm actually surprised by how much I liked FD5 and even prefer it over the second one, though I was never a big fan of FD2.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


1. Final Destination
2. Final Destination 3
3. Final Destination 2
4. Final Destination 5
5. The Final Destination

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho





1. Final Destination 2 - The deaths were the most creative and visual effects are great. The pile up vision is epic. Even though it is a rehash it at least has a lot of ties to the first film, I loved how the deaths in the first film had affects on the characters and the return of Clear Rivers. The new life concept was well done. I liked Kimberly as a protagonist.

2. Final Destination - Still the most suspenseful of the lot. Alex and Clear are the best protagonists.

3. Final Destination 5 - The deaths are suspenseful again. The killing someone to take your place concept is a new angle and the ending gave it a full circle moment.

4. Final Destination 3 - Full of creative deaths but it really is nothing more than just a rehash of the first film. While Wendy is a likeable lead, the rest of the characters are annoying.

5. The Final Destination - Just like FD3 it's just a rehash nothing more, only this time it's just gotten lazy. While some of the deaths have some creativity behind them, the effects are awful. The acting is bad, the leads are bland and the other characters are unbearable. There are way too many 3-D in your face moments including cgi sequences, that made this feel like a cartoon. That being said it's fast paced and it's enjoyable to put on in the background.


1. Final Destination
2. Final Destination 3
3. Final Destination 2
4. The Final Destination
Haven't seen 5
