MovieChat Forums > Final Destination (2000) Discussion > Better Series: Scream or Final Destinati...

Better Series: Scream or Final Destination?

I LOVED both series, even though FD4 was a little disappointing and some parts of Scream 4 were a little disappointing, I still enjoyed this Scream more than FD4. As a whole series, which did you prefer? Scream or Final Destination?

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


Scream is better than Final Destination!!


Scream is your typical run of the mill slasher movie,where as final destination is a fresh idea,
so final destination wins for me.


Scream far superior - Final Destination 1 aside, the following four films were absoloute dross. Scream 1 and FD 1 were far superior to all their sequels


I haven't seen the last 2 Final Destination's but based on the first three then Scream wins without a doubt - much likeable characters for a start, I actually care about what happens to them.


final destination. i didnt like none of the scream movies but i enjoyed all the FD's cept for FD3

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Overall, FD. The only Scream movie that I really like is the first one. I find all of the Scream sequels boring. But the FD series is a guilty pleasure for me.


In terms of quality across the franchise then it is Scream. The 3rd might have suffered but as a series it held more weight. BUT in terms of inventiveness it has to be Final Destination.

That's why, push comes to shove, I would choose Final Destination, forget the sequels just the first one in general. Why?

As enjoyable as I found the Scream films they weren't anything unique. Killer Slasher films turned on their head, changing the rules, it isn't that original in the grand scheme of things despite the entertaining notion.

But Final Destination for that point was innovative. Fresh idea that worked really well, I also liked the fact that away from the gore it went back to creepier roots with the foreshadowing, shadows on the wall, the lack thereof of light, it added to the way the film was set out.

It was eerie without having to do anything and I loved the lead of Sawa who had been missing from film for sometime, his comeback was timed perfectly with FD.

So although Scream over all the films works better as an whole, my two cents go to Final Destination since it started a trend and awoke the horror genre with something new to the mix.

~Although the Rose is
bewitching you can always
be pricked by the thorns


Clearly Scream.

"ListerFiend is her Mouth Troll isn't it?" - Randall Graves, Clerks 2



far down the sh*tter.

"ListerFiend is her Mouth Troll isn't it?" - Randall Graves, Clerks 2



I love both, and I don't think I could ever say I'm a bigger fan of both because I cherish both equally, though I haven't been active in either community in years.

"I'll go,because I am Cinema!" - Ben (Man Bites Dog)



"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


Good point on Clear even though I loved Sidney. I wanted to see more of Clear in the FD movies. I agree with those that said that FD's plot is very inventine & original. At the end of the Scream movies, you can just take off the mask and get the person underneath but you can't kill Death, you can't outrun it either. I wish the other FD movies were more like the first film with that eerie supernatural feel to it. Like seeing Death in the form of a shadow like that was just eerie as hell!

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


all the Scream movies get passing grades from me and each offers something similar, but different each time. the Final Destination movies do too, but not to as engaging or original of a degree. the clever satirical edge of the Scream movies is not really explored in the Final Destination series. only FD that doesn't get a passing grade from me is 3 and as for 4, barely clears the line. i even found enjoyment in Scream 3 which ranks lowest in that series. so in summary, Scream movies: A-; B+; B- and B+, Final Destination: A-, B, C+, B- and B+. Scream may have less movies and FD is better than most other teen Horror movies, but Scream is superior.

Get some rest Pam. You look tired.



I'd have to go with Scream (with FD a close second).
