If you leave the office for several days and only call once to say what's going on. Your employer will terminate you for doing that and they should, because they have a right to know what they're paying you to do while you're out of the office. That's just common sense.
Erin was quite fortunate that Ed took it upon himself to hire her back. Ed didn't have to do it. He could have just as easily decided that she was a slacker and never deserved to set foot in his office again. She caught a big break when he took her back. Word to the wise, my friends. Always keep your boss up to speed.
Ed had no choice but to take her back. Erin had received that phone call..was it from the water company?? She was not going to share the info with Ed and by that time, Ed knew she was on to something.
The film establishes that they were fortunate to really have met one another.
Until this time Ed hasn't realised the depth of Erin's initiative and general smarts. She'd obviously been working on her own dime, driving her own car, paying her own expenses, no cell phone, etc. recognizing that she'd stumbled on to a case with serious potential. Ed doesn't realise this until after he has fired her and reviewed her work.
The film shows us that he's big enough to recognise he made a mistake, swallows his pride, learns from it and hires her back paying her increased benefits.🐭
The film establishes that they were fortunate to really have met one another.
Until this time Ed hasn't realised the depth of Erin's initiative and general smarts. She'd obviously been working on her own dime, driving her own car, paying her own expenses, no cell phone, etc. recognizing that she'd stumbled on to a case with serious potential. Ed doesn't realise this until after he has fired her and reviewed her work.
The film shows us that he's big enough to recognise he made a mistake, swallows his pride, learns from it and hires her back paying her increased benefits.
Excellent post, spookyrat1.
Ed did make the mistake of thinking Erin wasn't doing anything worthwhile, which happens often with employers. Both She and Ed certainly could've tried harder to contact each other, but Erin thought calling and leaving a message was enough since she already got the "go ahead" from Ed to do a more in-depth investigation and she didn't know her dedication would be in question. reply share
Also, during that confrontation and even when Ed came back to see her, why was he like all apologetic and even said "You look like you have a lot of fun" as opposed to something like "Leaving the office for over a week and not showing up to work like regular people is unacceptable and an appropriate enough reason for termination" or even "I assumed you simply got lost in the job and no longer can perform your duties etc".
Plus, that other lady instead of literally saying "Yes" like "has to check in every few seconds" they could say, well "maybe not seconds literally, but at least every few hours and see at the end as well", maybe even give official clearance as to whether or not that duty needs doing or has to be done this way.