MovieChat Forums > Erin Brockovich (2000) Discussion > 100 things I learned from Erin Brokovich

100 things I learned from Erin Brokovich

100. Bikers can be nice guys.


It's somehow the case that a law firm making 133 million from the case which realistically cost them easily less than 10 million (and that's being very generous; it was probably a few million maybe) are the good guys when the average payout to those who had their health/lives ruined was a mere 300k which is pocket change in comparison and a joke for trying to pay for years/decades of medical expenses (it wouldn't even cover a year in many cases).

IOW: the law firm, a handful of people working on the case (most were working on other cases, which, btw, was bringing in money to the firm), made over 100 million pure profit. When you have 100 million, 300k is not even really money to you; it's like $5 is to the average person. This also makes Erin's "generous" bonus a total slap in the face: she was the principal worker on the case and her boss literally made tens of millions off mostly her work and basically threw her a scrap in relative terms. Even if she was getting a 7 figure salary at her new position (ha!), it would take her decades to catch up to what he made all at once, again, mostly off her work. Fair would have been a bonus in the tens of millions. At least.

What a total morally repugnant joke. The law firm exploited the clients almost as badly as the polluters and Erin was also just used and received a very low percentage of what was owed to her. Any person/firm with a semblance of decency would have kept, oh, 20-30 million tops (and even that is quite a reward to themselves) and happily given the rest to the clients.
