MovieChat Forums > Erin Brockovich (2000) Discussion > The only thing that irritated me about t...

The only thing that irritated me about this movie...

...was the part where Erin knows all the plaintiff's phone numbers by heart. (all 600 or whatever the number was) I guess the point of that was that she was showing she knew the plaintiffs well, it just seemed unrealistic to me that she would really know that many people's phone numbers by heart.


Yea, that was total b.s. No one can attain that knowledge (and especially memorize all the data of each family) without literally sitting down and trying to memorize it all for at least dozens/hundreds of hours...and even then it's highly unlikely. And she's supposed to know it just from meeting with them and calling them, the majority just once or twice. IRL she'd have to look up the phone # and names/illnesses/family of anyone but the clients she had the most personal contact with.

The human mind is not a computer and "photographic" memories do not exist (that's a classic myth/pseudo science: it has been roundly disproven by double blind experiments). Let's put her in a room and have her reiterate all that info. without any notes to any degree of accuracy (IRL she'd only be able to name about a dozen or two, at best, names or numbers and that would be it: no family relations or illnesses beyond a handful among the perhaps dozen or two names and/or numbers). It will not happen, then or now.


There are many cases where a human can and does memorized countless of data. My sister has all her credit card numbers, her checking account number, her kids doctors phone numbers and all the number of her co-workers memorized. I have my account number memorized. My memorization is more visual. I have streets, places and locations of different site memorized. I only have to be at a place once and I can find it again very quickly. I can also figure out how to take an alternate route without a map. I have gotten lazy with GPS but can still do this. The brain is the strongest and best computer out there. I also septic system regulations of 6 states memorized and can recall the requirements of each state. My boss started his company in 1991 and can recall job numbers for each job since he started his company (there are almost 4,000 numbers btw) If there are no distractions and you apply yourself, you can remember anything and recall it for years after seeing the material. The human brain is a wonderful thing. You have no clue what you are talking about. Erin, herself, has said she memorized all the information for over 600 plaintiffs. If we couldn't memorize things, we would not be able to read/write the English language or do simple math.
