Erin--a selfish bully with boobs!
Sorry guys, I know this is gonna set a lot of people off, BUT....Erin didn't care about anyone but herself.
She said it best when she told George that people quit talking when she walks in a room to see if she has anything to say. I'm not saying she didn't care about the plaintiffs in the case, but she cared more about herself, being important and looking good.
She didn't care that Ed thought she should dress more appropriately.
She didn't care that George was being left home to raise her kids.
She didn't care when Ed said he was going to have to take out a 2nd mortgage on his house. Remember her reply? "So?" She didn't care whether Ed was inconvenienced or devastated financially, which was a possibility in this case because the outcome early on was not known for sure. Erin had never worked hard in her life...and had no idea what it was like for someone like Ed to work his entire life to accumulate a life savings...and to have a case like this jeopardize that lifetime of work. Nope..she just wanted what she wanted.
She wanted to play with the big kids even though she did not go to school and go through the same life experiences the big kids did, i.e., she was a lawyer wannabe but couldn't accept the fact that she didn't have an education and wasn't on the same level as they.
She was offensive to those who had put in the time to be lawyers so they could play with the big kids. And, while I'm on that subject, if she had the "600" phone numbers in her head, did it ever occur to her that she SHOULD perhaps put them in the files? No..because this was one more way she could control the situation. Only she had the info...what if she got killed or hurt badly? The info wouldn't have been in the file, and someone would have had to start over on it. She didn't care. She felt this kept her in the drivers seat.
Her own perception of her value was obvious when she asked Ed, "Did you tell them that" after Ed told her she was important to him on the case. She wanted constant ego-stroking, either from Ed or the plaintiffs to confirm her own perception of her value.
I found her cussing, screaming rants to be nothing but an additional indication of her instability and short fuse. She was basically a bully with boobs, who couldn't take one bit of criticism. I don't know how Ed stood her.
After watching the movie yesterday for about the 4th time, I decided I couldn't stand the movie anymore. It has finally dawned on me why. I'm glad the plaintiffs won a big settlement, but watching Julia Roberts portray this person is not enjoyable any longer.
Okay, off my soapbox.