Favorite Scene

My favorite scene is the scene where Gwen and Eddie are in his room and she finds out he watches Santa Cruze. lol! Anyone else have a fave?



Any scene with Viggo or Gerhardt in it. Love Gerhardt!!!



My favorite part is at the end when Eric got a plant and a dog
Like the counesler told him to because he was asking when he would ever be in a relationship and the counseler told him to get a plant and take good care of it and then later on get a dog and in a couple of years if there both still alive then he would be ready for a relationship;And so at the end gwen finds him at the plant store arguing with the man that worked their about his plant dying and then the camera scrolls down to the dog sitting on his butt with his teeth hanging out and when he sees gwen he starts crying and says "i dont even think he likes me"! and doing these hilarieouse noises wile he was crying.


hahaha when gerhardt talks about the forks, and when he's like "look at my package!"

and when gwen goes "dont be someone elses slogan, for you are poetry"


yes, anything with Gerhardt in it. i watched it with the director's commentary and Alan Tudyk was allowed to improv, and he did, nearly his whole part. the forks [which i luv, ], his lines in the plant shop scene, and the "Oh, my God, look at my package!!", which was so funny. Alan simply looked down and noticed and one of the funniest lines in the film was born.
everyone on the set said that when Alan went into that character, it didn't matter what he was talking about, it was impossible to keep a straight face.
A Proud Chaucerette of the SCS: Sexy Chaucer Society


my favorine scence is when gwen asks 4 help and then is able 2 lift up the horse's leg and breaks up with jasper. i dont like hime cos of his smile and he is wicked and probley has less brain cells than eddie


my favourite scene isnt in the actual movie. It's when the show the actual Santa Cruz on the special features on the dvd.
Anyone wanting to make one of those bubblegum wrapperss should make a starburst wrapper chain instead. They're all colourful and look way better. I actually made a bracelet out of one once.

"Alice, are you blind? Don't you see the family resemblance? That's my brother."


My favourite scene has to be when she's leaving and they're all singing to her..

and when Eddie picks her up after falling off the tree and carries her into the clinic "you can't bring ladies into rehab Eddie" "i wasn't gonna keep her"

Don't ever be someone's slogan,cos your poetry


I like the dialogue in the background as Gwen is trying to climb down the tree to get her pills. I've explained to people that the counselor saying that if sober people knew how awful normal felt, they wouldn't ask him to get sober is one of the best descriptions of how drug addicts feel. I've been clean for 13 years now, but I still remember how awful it felt to not be high during that time. I think this movie was realistic in that way.


Thank you for sharing that Jedi, that's beautiful.
My favourite part in the movie was when Alan/Gerhardt is talking about the forks after he has broken up with his boyfriend, and also the whole pet shop scene where he is trying to get the plant guy to admit that the plant could have died another way than him killing it and he says (paraphrase)i sang to it and drew a sketch of it and put it on my refridgerator, and the plant guy goes did you water it? and the look on alans face was like 'oh, im supposed to WATER it' lol
All in all a good fun romp, just deep enough but not toooo heavy.

If you're not living on the edge, then you're taking up too much space!!


This is like my fave movie of all time....but i know this sounds stupid but everytime I see this scene i cry...when she is leaving and Eddie chases her down and talks to her...I think it just captures soo much.



I like the group therapy scene after Gwen jumped out of the window where Reni Santoni rags out Gwen for still being allowed to be part of the group and Gwen lashes back at him and everyone applauds.

