MovieChat Forums > 28 Days (2000) Discussion > Andrea - suicide or overdose?

Andrea - suicide or overdose?

I am wondering about Andrea. Did she just take an overdose, or was it suice?


I know that in the movie Cornell says she used, but it seems to me that she killed herself.


Yep, as said, Cornell tells Gwen that she OD'd by accident, but I too think the same as above poster, that she overdosed to kill herself, as it looked to me like the girl felt she had nothing, no life to go home too, esp as her mum never came to visit her.

I want to all men!


I think she killed herself


She overdosed. I have been in rehab and know from experience that once people get through detox their tolerance level changes. She probably used the same amount she was used to using and because of her tolerance level it was too much for her system to handle. The same thing happened to someone I was in rehab with.




I think she overdosed. A user usually don't think of the consequences. They don't go into doing a drug thinking, I wonder if I'm going to die this time. They go in looking for a high. They might think of the consequnces a little bit, but the anticipation of doing the drug out ways what could happen. My sister is a herion addict. I've seen her going through withdraws, and all she thinks about is where she can get her next hit.

Another thing is if she was going to commit suicide why would she pick her drug of choice? Why not just use the razor blade to slit her wrists or something... like she did to cut her legs.



I say it was both 'cause the needle was in her arm which means she overdose on heroin which was her drug of chose and also in one seen she had cut herself 'cause her mother didn't come. So she committed suicide 'cause she had to leave in two days and I guess she didn't know what to do. So she ended.


didnt the needle come in the sock monkey someone sent her? she had to preplan this, and with 2 days left in rehab I think she could have wiated to get high. She killed herself.

So what if I like foul, loathsome, evil little cockroaches?


I tend to think she overdosed since it was so long since she last did it, she took more then she should have. I don't know if addicts really have the ability to think how they will be out in two days to do the drugs. Someone sent her the drugs and she just took them.

As for her cutting, cutting is not related to suicide. People who cut often aren't suicidal and/or they aren't flirting with suicide through their cuts. So since she was a cutter I don't know if I think she would have overdosed on purpose.


it really doesnt matter - drugs kill!!!!!! being in rehab i saw alot of the same thing and the bottom line is they died .....people who use drugs ( somewhere in there minds are trying to hurt themselves to some extent)... i think thats the point they were trying to make - whether she killed herself or O.D'd shes dead


Which drugs kill? Did you mean to say, "Certain addictive drugs when overconsumed can be deadly,"?

America is a drugged country - Prozac, Vicodin, Ibuprofin, Acetaminophen (very hepatotoxic), Viagra, Amoxycillin, Lithium, etc. Since 1/4 of our population is on some sort of medication for mental/mood disorders alone at any given time, you're clearly painting with too broad a brush. Nicotine isn't too deadly (kills bugs, though), but the pyrolytic compounds which accompany smoking sure are. Alcohol? Depends how, and how much, you consume.

From your statement, you don't seem to have been a user. If you were in Rehab, it was probably as an employee, no? Your polarized and absolutist thinking/writing doesn't quite do justice to an issue as complex as "drugs" (food and water, BTW, would qualify as drugs under the FDA's definition of a drug if they hadn't been explicity exempted from the definition - Drug - "(A) articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease..and (B) articles (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals" [FD&C Act, sec. 201(g)(1)]". It's that last bit, about structure/function that would even cover emotional stimulation, water, oxygen, etc. if the definition were written so as to completely cover all things which change the way our bodies/minds work.

Many drugs do little good, some save lives, and yes, some, when taken in sufficient quantity, even kill.



Does anyone know what happened to Andrea? She was raped by her stepfather!!! She describes how she can relate to the character in SANTA CRUZ that got impregnated/raped by her own brother!! "I don't have any brothers but I do have a stepfather".......... "Santa Cruz gives me inspiration".... Her mother did not want to come see her because she would insecurely rather have a companion/husband than a daughter!!!!!!! Andrea loved her mom so much as she hated/blamed herself for what happened...RAPE!! She cuts herself because this relieves the overwhelming phsycological self-hatred pain and would much rather convert it into a physical pain. One's Physiology involuntarily influences one's phsychology. And vice versa, one's phsychology involuntarily influences one's physiology. Comments of feedback? [email protected]


Actually, the character, Darien, was impregnated by her half brother. Andrea later makes a comment to Gwen about how it was Falcon, they were in love, and Darien didn't know he was her half brother. If you watch the extra features on the DVD - the faux Santa Cruz mini episodes - it's clear that they were dating. Andrea never said the character was raped. And she said she had SISTERS, not a stepfather. There is nothing in there suggesting she was raped.....


In the DVD director Susanna says that she was trying to explain to her mother that people like Andrea do not cut to die, it's a way of coping. She had a bit of a discussion with the producer and composer of the film about this in the director's commentary.

Anyway I think they're trying to make it quite obvious in 28 Days that it wasn't a suicide attempt, what with the numerous times (well twice: once with Cornell talking to Gwen and the other when some woman was talking to everyone in the lecture room) that they pointed out it was the 'using' and 'one last time' NOT a suicide attempt.


Actually, the explanation in my mind was really different:

i think that after she saw the play by bwen and all her friends in rehab, she realised she only really had a life there and nothing outside - her mother didnt come to see her, no family or friends. I think she saw taking heroin (and so obviously) she would be able to stay there. Stay with the life that she liked, and not have to deal with living in a world outside of its cocoon.

So i guess it was an escape. She was a heroin addict after all.

But I have no first hand knowledge of drug use/addiction so i'm only talking about what i can fathom, i could be (probably am) completely wrong.


"But I have no first hand knowledge of drug use/addiction so i'm only talking about what i can fathom, i could be (probably am) completely wrong."
I think you make a good point. Never thought of it that way but that's a good insight. My mother worked in a juvenile detention center about 30 years ago as a cook. The kids in there had such horrendous home lives that one to two weeks before their release date, they would do some misbehavior that would tag more time onto their stay so that they wouldn't have to go home. The center was a better environment to them. I think Andrea's OD was accidental but the way the showed it, it was like it didn't ultimately matter which it was. No explaination would bring her back.



I'm a cutter and I've never cut to try and kill myself. It's like she says in the movie. It makes it better. Better than whatever else is going on. Cutting is an addiction in and of itself. It has its own kind of high.

The movie makes it clear that it was an OD and whoever was talking about people who act out in order to stay someplace because almost anywhere is better than home is right. I've never done drugs but have been in psych wards and sometimes would do whatever I had to to keep from going home. Hell hole...


Plus she was talking to Gwen about leaving rehab like she didn't want to. I have a friend who cuts. She goes to some specialized hospital in Chicago at least once a year. Cutting is all they deal with ( Yeah, a person who cuts isn't trying to kill themself. I think they do it to alleviate emotional pain.



I think it's a bit of both here with Andrea.
scared of leaving. just like a prisoner who has spent their
entire life behind bars.
"have you ever left rehab?"
she was terrified of the life outside.


What most people don't realize is that the first time an addict uses after being in rehab (for any amount of time) is the most dangerous one.

They use as much as they did prior to getting clean, and their body isn't used to that amount anymore. So they overdose. Accidentally. Happens all the time.


i think she OD'd but she wasn't trying to. cuz she wanted to stay at the rehab.


i think andrea had convinced herself that she would not make it in the world, rehab was her safe haven. i think she was terrified of leaving rehab and did not want to leave, and so she either used so that she would get caught and have to stay, or she killed herself because she could not face having to leave. a lot of criminals re-commit crime as soon as they get out of prison just so they can get back in, because prison becomes their security blanket. they feel they can't cope with the world, they can't cope with life on the outside. maybe andrea felt the same?


i hear voices and they don't like you...


i think she was a cutter for a long, long time.
she was cutting toward the end of her stay in rehab.
cutters can use cutting as a tool to "feel" anything at
all, except the emptiness of leaving to return to a mother
who treated her like she was not flesh and blood.
when cutting didn't help her feel even "pain" she
decided that being straite served no purpose in her life.
i do think she could have been wanting to just get that "high"
good feeling for a brief moment, and since she had been straite
for a month, the amount she was use to taking was too much and she

[b][red]Dream until your dreams come true;Life's a journey, not a destination*(steven tyler)


She killed herself. That's why Gwen leaves her shrink's office so annoyed when he says she just overdosed. Gwen knew Andrea had a lot more going on.

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Give that woman a pinkflamingo.
I promise that you'll enjoy the show tonight.


Give that woman a pinkflamingo.
I promise that you'll enjoy the show tonight.



like many have said, I think she ODed accidentally...I never even thought about other options I just always felt like she did it by accident and that the reason she used was to get to stay in a place where she felt comfortable and safe and where she had friends and stuff
