MovieChat Forums > Left Behind (2001) Discussion > Don't judge a book by it's movie.

Don't judge a book by it's movie.

Well let's put it this way, yes this movie blew... why? because no major motion picture company backed it. This movie, if followed by the book (which was amazing) had the potential to be amazing, but it turned out not to be that way, Go figure. If you hated this movie, go read the book, it was awesome, and I'm not even a christian. So yes, if you can appreciate a good book, get Left Behind and don't take the High Schoolers way out and just see the movie, because the movie blew.


It seems to be the norm that movies don't follow the books upon which they are [supposedly] based very closely. Which is why I usually try to read the book to get the real story, regardless of what the movie is.


Ah, but this isn't a case where the movie failed to deliver the book. It simply failed. I'm quite serious when I say that movies like Ssss and The Magic Sword are more entertaining than this flick. And they're not preachy either.


I'm not a fan of this book series, but I did think the movie was pretty good. As always, it's a matter of one's personal taste.


Then I submit your's is poor.


That's your opinion. I could say the same about you and what would that prove? No more than yours.


by audree7593 (Tue Jul 15 2008 02:16:07)
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UPDATED Tue Jul 15 2008 03:41:14
That's your opinion. I could say the same about you and what would that prove? No more than yours.

If we were talking ice cream, then I suppose that'd be true. But we're talking the difference between Rembrandt and a child's scribble, with you liking the scribble. Children are cute, and so are their drawings, but that doesn't make them great artists. Ditto with this film. It's junk. Trash. No good.

Accept it.


I just wanted to echo this - the movie is HORRIBLE. The movie did ABSOULTELY NOTHING to convey the anguish, the fear, the confusion, the complete disarray of the world, the feelings of each of the characters etc.

This is only about the 7th time I've rated a movie a 1. The movie was pretty bad on its own, but compared to the book it was a completely worthless waste of time.

Please, please, READ THE BOOK IF YOU HAVEN'T YET. It is a better source of entertainment than just about any movie. It will scare you. It will make you sweat right along with the characters. It will have you shouting at the people not to be deceived by Carpathia. It also (not surprisingly) has far more intricate plotlines and far more interactions between the characters.


I still suggest reading the bible instead of any of this garbage.

But to each his own.....


Why the assumption of mutual exclusivity? Why not read the Bible for spiritual enlightenment and encouragement, and then read Left Behind for entertainment?


If it were merely for the purpose of entertainment I wouldn't really have a problem but people really believe this is how things will go down instead of reading the Bible and seeing that Christ comes immediately "after" the tribulation, not before. (Matthew 24) But I've pretty much exhausted that debate here through the years but still couldn't resist the urge one more time to push for the Bible.


Understood. Well I personally read Left Behind purely for entertainment purposes and found it magnificently entertaining.


This movie actually deserves a 6.5/7, it was pretty good. I really believe most of these movies get bashed purely because they are about religeous subjects.


No. This movie was bad. And the main reason it was bad is because it didn't have any major production companies backing it.

I found reading the criticism for this movie hilarious. We're talking about a hypothetical situation that has never happened and a lot of people believe will never happen. How can we decide what one country or another would do? And if people literally disappear, there's not much a city police officer or his squad could do when it's world wide.

The issues people have with this movie are hilarious.

It WAS a bad movie. The book was good. I personally enjoy the series after Nicolai is resurrected, but that's just my opinion.


These books are written by a couple of Evangelicals who have no idea about how the real world works. They built up the Rapture fantasy to the max and packaged it to the Evangelical masses who buy this fictional tale which isn't even in the Bible. It makes you wonder why this particular group of Christians act so irresponsibly in regards to world affairs. They must think this Rapture will happen before they feel the pain they are trying to bring onto this world by supporting the worst politicians in American history.


if you want decent end-times fiction read the christ clone trilogy by james BeauSeigneur, an actual intelligent writer who doesn't just preach at you and really makes you think.

Children of IMDB enjoy thinking they have a clue as to how American politics work.


Let's see here. It's a Christian propaganda movie that is basically an infomercial to covert people to this crazy idea that the end is coming soon, and that the antichrist is a Jew, and Jews are all evil and the United Nations is all evil.

Where have i heard this before?

The movie was down right hilarious for how bad it is, but seriously this whole Christian propaganda thing has become down right hilarious over the years. i would much lose just a few hours watching Kirk Cameron try to act and fail miserably than waste my time with the book which is probably a hundred times worse.

Christian fiction books are no different than the movies, it's all advertisement and doom porn to try and convert people to their hilarious beliefs.


Read it in a day as I couldn't put it down! Too bad they couldn't transfer it to the screen correctly.

"Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about."


Good advice. The book is even worse.

Asians don't care if you have sex with their children - michael_in_ba
