MovieChat Forums > Left Behind (2001) Discussion > Can anyone recommend any good Christian ...

Can anyone recommend any good Christian films NOT about the rapture?

I went to my local Christian book store and roughly 70% of the films there are about the rapture. I am a Christian, but I don't believe in the rapture, so it's pretty frustratingto find a good Christian film that doesn't involve the rapture. Heck, my wife and I watched Unidentified and thought it was OK until the last 10 minutes when they threw they rapture into it.
So, I ask, can anyone recommend any good Christian films that DON'T involve the rapture?


Unfortunately, the rapture quacks have hijacked your religion.

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?


Yep. "Rapture" this and "rapture" that. Religions are so obsessed with the end of the world, and no matter what generation it is, people will always think the world's going to end in their time.


Facing The Giants is a good Christian movie.


"Facing The Giants is a good Christian movie"

Well, it's a christian movie. One out of two ain't bad!

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?

reply you ever have anything GOOD to say about Christianity or Christians in general? All Ive seen you do mainly is put down Christians and Christianity.


" you ever have anything GOOD to say about Christianity or Christians in general? All Ive seen you do mainly is put down Christians and Christianity"

es, there are good and likable people in christiandom, but I still think their belief is silly. I find myself wondering why people think that god is needed in order to be good. What about simple common sense, the ability to see the benefits of being good, abiding by laws that logically benefit society and allow it to function, and so forth? I don't like lying or cheating because I don't wish to betray a person's trust in me? Is that the morals imposed on me by god, or is it simply the fact that I think things through and prefer to avoid the mess that comes along with lying? There are lots of people on Earth who are good and kind, but according to you guys, we go to hell anyhow. It makes no sense. I think all religion is silly. Why do I pick on christianity more? because I am surrounded by it and have to put up with your right to illogically attribute everything to god at every turn, while getting offended if any other view comes along. It's quite irritating. I don't debate or speak of religion much at all in real life because it would turn ugly and I prefer to avoid that. I do like some believers even though I disagree with them, but I also know that they would be offended if I were honest with them in how I feel. At least on the internet, I am free to express my feelings.

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?


Does Signs count?


I thought that Signs was really good. I enjoyed the faith aspect of the film, regardless of the fact that I don't believe in god. You see, Signs wasn't an effort to slap the me in the face with belief in an attempt to convert me. It was just a good, well played film. The alien action took a back seat to the personal drama centering on Mel's character as he went from the bitter, angry man who lost his wife to finding his way back to who he really was.

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?


"Flywheel" is another good one. It's low budget shows through in some places though. I heard they are reworking to clean it up for a re-release this fall.



The first Omen film is really the only one I care about. The sequels were silly. Hey, I like Signs just fine and see nothing about it that should cause such dislike of it. More power to you if you dislike it, but why to such an extreme? The invasion storyline isn't that well thought out, but like I said, I enjoyed Mel's character journey.

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?


Although I thought the faith theme was handled very well in that film, it was overshadowed by the absurdity of the story.

I really like all of Shamalyan's movies except Signs. Aliens have mastered interstellar travel but are stumped by wooden doors? That's just the tip of the Iceberg. I was very distracted (in a bad way) by M night's "cameo". Joaquin Phoenix was really annoying in this film. Yadda yadda yadda....

As to the original question whether Signs is a Christian movie.... I'm going to say it isn't. For me to identify a film as "Christian" I think it needs to deal specifically with Jesus Christ and the following of Him. Signs dealt with the concept of faith as a whole. A "Christian" movie would have had a more specific role for things specifically Christian.

Hey Aleister, have you noticed the overt Christian themes in many Hong Kong films since the Tsui Hark era? My favorite film of all time, Once Upon a Time in China II, has a real corker in it where the sidekick, who is weak in kung-fu, whoops a lot of ass with a life size cross. Christians who see themselves as persecuted will glad to know that that scene was cut out when it played in a film festival here (NYC) around 1994.

WTF is all this movie talk all of the sudden?!?! Go talk that talk where it belongs on some religious forum somewhere!


Here's some oldtimers for you if you check the user comments section on IMDb
you'll find I did reviews of these:

One Foot in Heaven
Stars in My Crown
A Man Called Peter

Pitters Go Into Your Dance


Aliens have mastered interstellar travel but are stumped by wooden doors?

I don't have much of a problem with this. Who said they were "stumped"? A creature was locked in a room. The creature wasn't necessarily carrying any technology that could blast through walls. How easily could you get out of a locked room? Humans have the technology for space travel so, it shouldn't take you, alone by yourself, too long to get out of it right?

The biggest error, plotwise, was the water thing. Not only was it recycled from "Unbreakable" (my favorite M Night movie by the way) but it is a little preposterous. There is water everywhere on earth (oceans, in the atmosphere) and water is essential for all organic life. I know, biologically, you could argue that they are a completely different form of live than whats on earth. But since the story centered more on Mel and his family and less about the aliens, storywise the better thing to do would be to simply give the young girl some other quirky habit that could be used as a weapon against the aliens.


Not just the one locked in the pantry... THey couldn't figure out how to get into the basement....

And yeah... water.... I forgot about that...... seriously....

*shakes head*


Not just the one locked in the pantry... THey couldn't figure out how to get into the basement....

It depends on what they were after. It didn't appear that they were exterminating humans (a la War of the Worlds) but they were after the resources on earth, including humans. If they wanted humans for slave labor, scientific experimenting, for their zoo back home or just as snacks maybe they didn't want to blow up the house and the people in it. Do they have the technology to get through wooden walls and doors, most probably. But did those specific aliens who were scouting/terrorizing Mels farm have that technology on them that night, probably not. Maybe they underestimated humans and didn't think them to be that resourceful.

I'm not saying its the most airtight plot point, because it is not. But I don't have a problem with it either. The water thing is much weaker to me.


"Although I thought the faith theme was handled very well in that film, it was overshadowed by the absurdity of the story"

I disagree psmith. I think the faith aspect of the film shined bright. The only reason people focus on the invader's plot is that the advertising campaign built up the mystery of the crop circles and the "threat" aspect as opposed to promoting it's faith theme. Of course, who can blame them, for "suspense/thriller" will sell a film better than the character story aspect this film. I agree that the alien's plot was simply not well thought out, but it takes a backseat to what I enjoy about the film...the mystery, the fear/paranoia of the unknown, and the inner journey Gibson's character is on.

"As to the original question whether Signs is a Christian movie.... I'm going to say it isn't. For me to identify a film as "Christian" I think it needs to deal specifically with Jesus Christ and the following of Him. Signs dealt with the concept of faith as a whole. A "Christian" movie would have had a more specific role for things specifically Christian"

Perhaps that is why I enjoy it. It's just a story of a man's faith and isn't trying to push a certain religion's belief. The film doesn't concern itself with that at all. I agree that it isn't a christian film at all, though christians can still view it and apply it to their own point of view quite easily, as could others.

"Humans have the technology for space travel so, it shouldn't take you, alone by yourself, too long to get out of it right?"

Excellent point, Mister_Scratch! Also, I think Shamalyan's worst film is The Village, followed by Unbreakable (sorry, I thought Unbreakable was ridiculous by the time it ended). I haven't seen Lady in the Water.

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?


Also, I think Shamalyan's worst film is The Village

Same here. It technically has very high production values, as do all of Nights movies, the score is beautiful. But the script was weak. The twist was obvious and the rest of the plot didn't make much sense.

I thought Unbreakable was ridiculous by the time it ended

Wow, really? I love it. I look at it as a pure comic book movie, an origin story with as much heart as the Jor-El/Kal-El aspect of Superman I (and II), it was very moving. Jackson as the "villain" searching for his identity was brilliant. Night brought an amazing amount of depth and character to these genre films, including Signs. I thought the son pulling a gun on his father was a little much, but other than that I love every frame of it.

I haven't seen Lady in the Water

I was disappointed by it, it's virtually a remake of Signs, with all of the now-typical Night plot devices - even water.


You have search after God. i can tell by your knowledge of certain aspects of religion, Now use your heart and your mind.


"You have search after God. i can tell by your knowledge of certain aspects of religion, Now use your heart and your mind"

Thanks, but we don't have a clue who you are talking to nor does your comment really make any sense.

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?



Flywheel is a fantastic movie which has a great combination of humor and challenge in it. NetFlix has it, and I've seen it at a couple of Blockbusters too.


Flywheel is a great movie. It was made for $20,000 with non-professional actors. It’s a little rough around the edges, but the story is great and will win you over. It’s still my favorite movie from the Kendrick brothers.


But no offense - I know a lot of people liked Signs that I hold in very high regard!

None taken, I never take offense when somebody criticizes something with an articulate & intelligent explanation. Not that the movie is perfect by any stretch either. Sixth Sense & Unbreakable I hold in high regard. Signs is right in the middle ground, enjoyable but far from great. Lady in the Water & Village I don't like.

I just think Signs works overall, despite the flaws. One thing though, I feel the opposite way... the alien plot is what feels contrived at times, where as the story of Mels faith feels genuine. You aren't the least bit moved when the scene of the car accident is finally revealed? I thought that was good stuff and if the alien plot were more thought out, this movie could have been a home run.



Whale Rider - now there's a movie that moved me.

Never seen it, but as good as that movie may be, what does it have to do with the quality of Signs?

That little girl was ten times the actor Mel Gibson could ever be! But he has an Academy Award that says otherwise...

Actually, his Academy Awards say "Best Director" and "Best Picture". He has never even been nominated for his acting. Keisha Castle-Hughes did get nominated for "Best Actress" so it would seem the Academy thinks more highly of her acting than of Mels.

Not that any of this has anything to do with what we were talking about...


My favorite Christian-based movie is "The God Who Wasn't There," and while it's not about the rapture, it does dabble in the subject.

We come into the world naked, screaming and covered in blood. Why should the fun end there?


A movie I personally really loved was One Night With the King. it brought me to tears, I thought it was very well done.

It follows the story of Esther from the Old Testament.

I've heard the argument from some that its not "Christian" because it pertains directly to the Jewish faith. But personally, I think it pertains to both (I mean, the Old testament is His Holy Word too). It is about faith, the grace of God, and the miracles He can work in one's life. What's not Christian about that?

God Bless

“It’s only after we’ve lost everything, that we’re free to do anything.”


"The Mission"
"Amazing Grace"
"Ben Hur"
are all good films with Christianity in them. However when it comes to Christianity I think that "Bram Stoker's Dracula" has better Christianity in it than "Left Behind".


Just ignore DFJ, he walks around with a 9" dildo in his ass 24/7

Do I CAUSE YOUR DEATH? Just like you caused Erin's?



Thanks for the kind words, GreatTasteInMusic2. That Maserati character has done nothing more than prove how childish believers can get when backed into a corner by logic.

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OK, so what's the speed of dark?



by spikealike (Wed Jul 18 2007 04:24:45) Ignore this User | Report Abuse


I went to my local Christian book store and roughly 70% of the films there are about the rapture. I am a Christian, but I don't believe in the rapture, so it's pretty frustratingto find a good Christian film that doesn't involve the rapture. Heck, my wife and I watched Unidentified and thought it was OK until the last 10 minutes when they threw they rapture into it.
So, I ask, can anyone recommend any good Christian films that DON'T involve the rapture?

Yeah, I can think of three off the top of my head;
1) The Ten Commandments
2) Ben Hur
3) Oh God
