MovieChat Forums > Left Behind (2001) Discussion > If This Was Remade ... Who Would You Cas...

If This Was Remade ... Who Would You Cast?

Given the first class treatment of an decent film studio, director, writer and cast. Who would you cast in the roles?

RAYFORD STEELE ... DENNIS QUAID. I think he could do really well. He's a good actor and pretty awesome in action movies.

CAMERON "BUCK" WILLIAMS ... NICK STAHL. Awesome talent. He definitely has the look and energy to play Buck.

CHLOE STEELE ... SARAH ROEMER. She is really cute and capable of playing a girl like Chloe. She also has alot of potential to be a good actress.

BRUCE BARNES ... PATRICK WILSON. I think he's perfect for the role.

NICOLAE CARPATHIA ... This is going to be fun. For me it is a multitude of excellent actors who can play this role. One is DANIEL CRAIG, I'm reminded of how great he was in Road to Perdition as the villain or the cold and twisted Lord Azrael from Golden Compass . He'll do awesome in the role. Or maybe even MATTHEW GOODE from Watchmen, he played one really cruel villain in that one.

HATTIE DURHAM ... TRICIA HELFER. I know she is a TV actress, but if there is anyone more worthy to be in this role its her.

These are just the primary characters. There are more, but these are my best picks.

What do you think?

"You'll Believe A Man Can Fly!" - Superman: The Movie



Josh Lucas as Nicolae Carparthia
Matt Damon as Rayford Steele
Christina Ricci as Chloe Steele
Chris Pine as Cameron Williams
Helen Hunt as Amanda White
Cliff Curtis as Leon Fortunato
Olivia Wilde as Hattie Durham
Ben Kingsley as Chaim Rosenzweig (86 the beard first)
Bruce Marchiano as Tsion Ben-Judah

Just the main characters for now...feel free to comment!



And Chad Michael Murray as Buck, and Ashley Tisdale as Chloe.

If I had a say I'd suggest Adam Baldwin ( Independence Day, Joss Whedon's Firefly, Serenity, and Chuck) as Ken Ritz. So long as he wore his hat from Firefly.

For Chaim Rosenzweig, either Shaun Toub ( Professor Yinsen on Iron Man), Stanley Tucci ( Dr. Erskine in Captain America: The First Avenger) or if they can afford him Ben Kingsley.

John Rhys-Davies ( Gimli in Lord of the Rings, and Sallah in Raiders of the Lost Ark) and Richard Armitage ( Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit) as Moishe and Eli the Two Witnisses


Christoph Waltz as Nicolae Carparthia
Kyle Chandler as Rayford Steele
Emily Blunt as Chloe Steele
Jude Law as Cameron Williams
Debra Messing as Amanda White
Christopher Walkin as Leon Fortunato
Charlize Theron as Hattie Durham
Sasha Baron Cohn as Chaim Rosenzweig
Bruce Barnes as Bryan Cranston

Any cast without Christoph Waltz as the anti-Christ I can't take seriously.


Well... it's gotta have wizards, hot princesses, time machines, and a lot of crazy martial arts...


i would cast Nicolas Cage.

What Would Gibson Do?


Just cast all the patients from a mental hospital since the bible is just FICTION!


Well, Nicolas Cage was just cast in it...never even heard of this movie until today.


Tom Hiddleston MUST be Nicolae. No two ways about it.

John Rhys-Davies as one of the two witnesses.

Helen Mirren as Viv Ivins (they'd have to get to the seventh book adaptation to need her)

Chris Evans as Buck

Clint Eastwood as Ken Ritz - 20 years ago, this would have been a near perfect fit, when you think about Ken's character from the books.

Harrison Ford as Mac McCullum.

Jennifer Lawrence as Chloe

Mel Gibson as Leon Fortunato

Stanley Tucci as Chaim Rosenzweig

Christian Bale as Rayford

Julia Stiles as Hattie

Angelina Jolie as Leah Rose (you'd have to get to the 4th book)


It has been remade with Nicholas Cage as Rayford Steele...due to be released on October 2014.


It has been remade with Nicholas Cage as Rayford Steele...due to be released on October 2014.

I did NOT like the remake, the Director of this remake of Left Behind, Vic Armstrong messed it up by focusing too much on women's tight clothing (the airplane scene) and the daughter's (played by Cassi Thomson) blouse kept unbuttoning throughout the movie, so UnChristian-like. God does NOT like it when people put things out there to make His little ones FALL into temptation of LUST.
I did NOT take my husband to see it for that very reason. Cloud Pictures NEEDS a stricter policy on what they can show on screen. Not only is it immoral but causing most men to lose their dignity and the respect for women.

"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing.......... 1 Corinthians 1:18


[deleted] - CRY OUT TO JESUS -

1 John 3:8

