Club culture

Pretty silly looking back on it. This, the matrix and others are leather bedecked Kung fu ray ban commercials.

Fun movie otherwise.


Just a coincidence. I was watching the first 30 minutes of this yesterday on a whim. Mainly because I was thinking about Marvel's reboot and it is taking so long. Snipes made John Blade his own character and I am struggling to see how Ali is going to match and or exceed that type of DayWalker swagger that Snupes exhibited.

Moon Knight has upped the ante so Blade/Ali is going to really have to bring some distinct physicality to the role.

Going to be tough.


Snipes made John Blade his own character and I am struggling to see how Ali is going to match and or exceed that type of DayWalker swagger that Snupes exhibited

Being that this reboot stars one of the fellas from Moonlight, it would actually make sense for them to not even try to compete with Snipes's portrayal at all, and go in a completely different direction instead.... Comedy. Something similar to Zorro; The Gay Blade. Only in this case, The Daywalker is re-imagined as The Gay Walker


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no. Just no.

Nice try though. 🤣


It'd be a hilarious dig at both Woke Culture and the superhero genre more broadly


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, okay. Whatever floats your boat.


The casting of Ali as Blade is quite ridiculous. The man was in his late-40s when cast and now is 50. Blade is not supposed to be someone who is old enough to qualify for an AARP membership.

Snipes was still in his 30s when the first film was released.


Jesus fuck that's dumb.

if the movie is a hit, they'd want to do a few, so what, BLade 3 you got a movie star in his mid 50s?

Why set themselves up for that?


I really have no idea. The only reason I can think of is because Ali had some hype behind him at the time but it sure sounds like short-sighted thinking to me.

The film was supposed to be released in 2023 but has hit delay after delay. You can see a timeline here:


Do you think it's dumb that Tom Cruise is in his 60s and he's still doing Mission: Impossible movies?


Somewhat. But Tom Cruise was only 34 in the first mission impossible movie.

Think of the amount of money they would have left on the table, if they had cast a 50 year old in that role? He would be 8O now. No way they would have been able to milk the franchise for EIGHT blockbuster moviers.


Fair enough.


Do you think it's ridiculous that Tom Cruise is in his 60s and still doing Mission: Impossible movies?


No, because that's part of a long-running series that he has headlined since the 90s, when he was young. If the MI series was just getting started right now and he was cast then I would call it ridiculous.


Fair enough.


I've been in clubs nearly that bad, with everyone wearing black and/or leather. Good times.


I just remembered a ll the tribal tattoos of that year. It was certainly a trend as well.


Clubs were definitely looking like this back in the day. I had to put on an all black outfit just to get through the door once. I literally just went to walmart and bought cheap black clothes. All good!


That may explain many of the people of Walmart. Lol
