Personally, while I liked Blade 2, I thought it couldn't hold a candle to the original Blade film. And don't get me started on Trinity. Anyway, to the people that like this over the original Blade film: please explain to me why. I seriously would like to know.
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I love Guillermo del Toro's visionary style. The movie looks, sounds and feels so good, it has a great flow, awesome effects and action scenes. Don't get me wrong, the first Blade is fun but visually the second one beats the original in every way.
The final fight with Nomak was way better than the BS final fight of the original one with the blood god. All that hype surrounding the blood god and Blade dealt with him in less than 15 mins.
I prefer the first one but Blade II had one big thing rolling for it: The Blood Pack! They are awesomely cool, each of them. Too bad they get killed off so fast. If I made this movie, most of them had survived and became permanent allies of Blade. Shaky allies, remind you. Trinity would have been so much better if it still contained the Blood Pack.
As far as the Bloodpack goes, I actually liked Lighthammer and Verlaine, and was disappointed to see them both killed off. I expected an awesome kung-fu/sword battle between Blade and Snowman, but Del Toro and Goyer let me down. As for Chupa and Priest, I thought they were pretty useless, although I felt bad for Priest being the first one of the Bloodpack to die.
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I like 1 and 2 about equally. It's only 3 that's bad. (And even that has good DVD extras.)
The main benefits of the second movie are the royal family and its tragic end and the big fights with Nomak. The vampire king is great. The wayward prince is great. The beautiful daughter is good. The Blood Pack is good. Even Scud is fun.
The negatives, and they are huge, are basically all CGI. I hate the split jaws, the weak swordfight in front of the lights, and all the "grossout" effects. It's the royal tragedy I like, and I think the wriggling multi-tongues etc. don't go well with that.
Blade 2 comes very close with Blade...but I still love the first one alot..why? cuz I have a personal connection to it...I got into trip hop because of various scenes in blade
I'm one of the people that feel the way the OP feels. I'll just say that there are more things about Blade 2 I didn't like than the thing I did like.
The *idea* of the BloodPack was a really good one, but it was very underutilized because of the focus on the Reapers. I think I would've liked this movie much better if it were Blade trying to get his hands on Damaskinos, and he had to get through the BloodPack to do it. yup, Blade vs. BloodPack would've had my attention (while being attracted to Nyssa would've created even more tension than working beside her.. perhaps enough that she would turn on her own team to take down her father which would be very dramatic)
My problem with the Reapers is escalation, and complication in a movie mythology that should keep things simple. It's Blade vs. vampires. That's all that's needed. Don't complicate things by adding Vampire Version 2. then it could just go on forever with versions 3, 4 and so on. In regard to Trinity, I didn't mind it that Drake was there since he was supposedly the original one.
As far as special effects and the fights, most of the fights looked fine to my eyes, EXCEPT Blade vs. Nyssa. The CGI parts made it look damn near like a cartoon to me, although I enjoyed the techniques being used and the stalemate that ended it. The two other parts that really bug me are:
1a) Blade doing a suplex on a guard in front of Ron Perlman. To me, the fact that it was a random guard makes it trivial. Had he done that to Nomak, I would've supported it. Not to mention it doesn't suit Blade, who is not a wrestler, to use wrestling techniques in a fast paced setting like a crowd of guards or vampires. (yes the guard he did it on was the last one but it still looked out of place)
1b)And then there's the shooting up from the ground to face Perlman. (I know Blade is strong and fast, so *maybe* it was the editing/timing that made his getting back up right after the suplex look so unbelievable and comical.)
2) Nomak jumping from across the room to drop an elbow on Blade's chest. I swear that was meant to be a joke because I just cannot take that seriously. When did the Blade series turn into Smackdown vs. Raw?
On another positive note, Blade 2 had a whole lot of good writing/funny lines in it.
I think Blade 2 is a far better movie than 1. In fact it's my pick for the most underrated superhero flick. The first Blade didn't amaze me when I first saw it, though I always enjoyed the character in the Nightstalkers comics. It was a plodding film with a cheesy Stephen Dorff as Deacon Frost. Nothing in it really scared me like the truly freaky Reapers in Blade 2.
There's also a much more fascinating amount of characterization in Blade 2, which is shocking for a film that is mostly about big scale action scenes and gross out horror. There's tension all over the place in this narrative: Vampires vs. Reapers, Blade's mistrust of the Bloodpack and their mutual disdain for him, how does Nomak fit into all of this, what is Damaskinos' true plan?
I agree the Blade vs. Nyssa fight had a bit of a animated feel to it, but the way I see it vampires can do things humans can't do or even comprehend so I wouldn't doubt watching them fight would look a bit cartoon-ish to humans. The same can be said about Blade shooting up from the ground to face Reinhardt, vampires move faster than we can see so of course it's gonna look unbelievable.
As for the wrestling moves, which I was a fan of, to me the three Blade movies show Blade at three different points of his life. Part one was a young/pre-teen Blade, Part two was a teenage Blade, and Part three was a more adult Blade. That being said, I could see a teenager using wrestling moves in a fight in the real world. Plus I figured that by part two Blade was starting to see himself as a bad a$$ (like most teenagers do at some point) so he used a little more flair when he fought. As for Nomak's elbow drop, just because a particular move is made famous in pro wrestling doesn't mean it wouldn't work in a real fight. A lot of people think of wrestling as totally fake, yeah it's purely entertainment but it's not totally fake cause you can't fake gravity. Plus more than a few actual legit fighting styles have proven that the elbow can be more harmful than a fist. So take Nomak's vampire strength coupled with the height he did the elbow drop from and you get quit a devastating move.
Blade 2 simply has a lot more action, and I think the second act of Blade is kinda boring. The middle action scene is okay, but Blade 2 has the huge House of Pain sequence and the Sewer hunt scene. Two great action scene that I think are as good as anything in Blade. Blade have good Act 1 and Act 3, but the action in Act 2 is nothing compared to the action in Act 2 in Blade 2. So they pretty much took the great first and third act of Blade, and fixed the second act and made it much more interesting.
I like the 1st and 2nd equally but the 3rd film is not the best. Hopefully when Snipes is released they do the planned 3rd film set 20 years after Blade II and complete the trilogy properly.
To tell the truth, they are equals to me. If ever there is a Blade 4, I want them to ignore Blade III for the most part except for a couple of plot points.
Honestly, both are great. I wouldn't go out of my way to argue with anybody who prefers one over the other. Both have distinctive styles, and that's what makes them great. Norrington set the blue print, Del Toro embellished it and but his own auteur spin on it. I think they are both great comic book action fantasies and both have good pacing, though I give the edge to Blade 2 in department.
Don't ask me. The pile of crap called Blade 2 is not comparable to the gritty, entertaining horror flick the first movie was. It's crazy how its rating is 6.6, and it's unbelievable how a genius like Del Toro directed something so worthless.
Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)