Don't let some of the anger turn you off ...people,myself as well. Love Far Scape. I'll say need to get I to the last part of the first season..up to "Nerve". That episode and the following ones introduce the story and the real nemisis. From that point on it is one,of the best rides ever.
But it is true, Farscape isn't for everyone...if you don't like,esp after nerve,you won't. And there are several very "strange" eps. That we fans love!!! But not for everyone...That's fine. Everything can't appeal to everyone. And Farscape has one of the most tight and dedicated fan bases ever! So it isn't like we need more fans, more come daily,,.lol...
Good luck!
I had trouble getting into Babaloyn 5. And that has a dedicated following as well. I'm gong to try it again though. Battlestar Galactica is awesome on many levels. But the two are as different as can be. No comparisons to be made there..I'm always surprised how personal this stuff can get. It it ok if you don't like it. It isn't o e everyone does.