MovieChat Forums > Farscape (1999) Discussion > What episodes can I happily skip?

What episodes can I happily skip?

I'm near the start of season 2 (planning on finishing all 4 seasons). Some of the episodes like "Taking the Stone" and "Vitas Mortis" felt like a waste of time to me and I don't want to bother with that kind of stuff. It's hard to define why an episode feels pointless but I guess it's stuff that's not linked to the main plot, has poor dialogue/character development/setting.


Sorry, but if you're going to take the time to watch a series from the beginning, then you need to watch ALL the episodes.

You don't read a book and skip out on all the chapters that don't interest you. You don't walk two thirds of a way through a movie and expect to watch the finale and be up on everything that has happened.

You take the good with the bad because it gives you the complete picture. Even with lucklustre episodes, there are things you can still enjoy about them not to mention important plot points maybe established that might go over you head if you choose to skip ahead and not watch.



Don't skip any episodes! :)


Completely agree. The whole point is to watch and make your own opinions.


"Won't Get Fooled Again" is my skipper. Not a big fan of alternate reality episodes ir fantasy episodes. To me it didn't drive anything story wise.


Can't disagree enough, not only is it one of my favourite episodes of season two, it also makes for a great episode to contrast John in season one with the John of season two.


I think the only one I skipped watching was the cartoon one... DN I just didnt like it.


You should finish the show. Just like everyone else said about things being subjective, you may have missed your favorite episode by not continuing past that point. To me that is the point at which the show hit its stride because it upped the ante. It sort of made the writers deal with charachers who no longer had Zhaan as that voice of reason to help them along. Plus you never got to see the droid 1812 which is kind of like John's pet.



The only one I would skip is Season 3's "Revenging Angel." It's an hour of unrelieved stupidity. The music is stupid, the cartoon action just increases one's appreciation of Warner Bros, who would never have produced anything as overdone as this (nor would Hanna-Barbera! Disney might.) An insult to my eyeballs.


What episodes can I happily skip?

All of them..

You won't miss anything. I stopped watching this pile of garbage after first episode of season 2. I realized i had been torturing myself through most of season 1. Why they call it sci-fi is beyond me. Its all fantasy nonsense with zero story line or script. Every episode starts at zero where non of the previous story matters. Good guys go bad, bad guys go good and this repeats itself again and again and even with the same characters.
Wanna waist time? Watch all of them. If not, skip em all ...

* My God!.. Its Full of Stars! *


Don't skip any they are only about 45 minutes each, how busy are you?
