Who was your favourite charater
who was your fav person?
shareI'd have to say peter or was it john?????? The guy with long hair and super cool glasses. His voice was crazy! yeah.....
Can i edit your project? -every kid who takes media tech.
Nicky, of course! Though, I also liked Gary (That ape- demon guy that Lucifer refers to as "Chewbacca"), he was funny.
Peter the head banger and the nipple twister.
shareMr. Beefy, Peter and John, and the nipple rubbing guy
im going to kill u with my spork
Well, it should be pretty easy to figure out who my favorite character was my looking at my name, but I'll say it anyway.....Rhys Ifans!! Adrian is awesome, awesome, awesome. I love Adam Sandler movies. They always make me laugh. I own the majority of them, and not to mention four Rhys Ifans movies, too! :)
~*Ole, ole, ole, ole*~ (Nigel "The Leg" Gruff)
~*Nice Firm Buttocks!*~ (Spike)
~*Mmmmmmmmmm.....Welsh*~ (Me)