MovieChat Forums > Battlefield Earth (2000) Discussion > Bias against Scientology and Travolta is...

Bias against Scientology and Travolta is why it's rated so low

Let's face it's not that bad. OK it has a 90's TV sifi feel to it. Like a Next Generation or Battlestar Galactica episode in the production, and Travolta has some hammy chops at overacting, but overall I see some redeeming qulities.

A lot of people heard others and critics say how bad it was and jumped on the bandwagon without ever viewing yet. And because of the religious angle and the fact that Travolta "really" was in love with L. Ron Hubbard and his book and was suppose to put millions of his own $$ into the project just made people hate it before it ever got a chance. My thoughts. The sheeple have spoken.


I agree with you that the film is not as bad as it is made out to be. But it's not very good either. If Scientology gets a bad rap it's because it deserves it. It is a load of crap.

Battlefield Earth (2000) - 4 outta 10 stars

My Vote history:


I think another big reason is that it's a sci-fi based on a book by Hubbard with John Travolta in it.

There are so many trendy cool to hate concepts there that is difficult to find anywhere else.

To me it is an entertaining movie, with a interesting although poor paced story.

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."



I didn't come away from it with any opinion on Scientology at all. I just remember it being a terrible movie, with the silliness of Travolta's character making it somewhat enjoyable.


I've seen it and I rated it a one because it really is god awful. The story is just plain stupid, the funniest scenes are when they find the 1,000 year old fighter jets that still magically work and that they can fly them like experienced fighter pilots. CLASSIC!!


It is really bad, but if the Star Wars prequel can be rated around "7" I don't see why this one shouldn't.

It's the same level of incompetence but it ruined a source material that no one cares about, where the prequels ruined a franchise that everyone loved.

So the Star Wars prequels are much worse than Battlefield Earth.

What's best in life ?


No it's not bad it's appalling. It is rubbish at every level - I watched it - mostly in horror - thinking it must get better soon - but it didn't.

Hubbard was a fraud who created a pseudo religious organisation which has destroyed lives by having a huge gullible following which it milks on a regular basis while feeding them ridiculous and often dangerous ideas.

Horrible at every conceivable level.


It is that bad and you do come off as an ass. I sincerely hope you have stopped using the term "sheeple" in the last 3 years or people will still think you're an ass.
