MovieChat Forums > WWE Monday Night RAW (1993) Discussion > Anyone else so over Sasha and Charlotte?...

Anyone else so over Sasha and Charlotte?

I give no *beep* about their feud

Bring on SD where Becky and Nikki are helping put over other Woman who aren't the Four Horsewomen.


Charlotte is actually a lot better now. She's a very polished Heel. Sasha on the other hand has lost a lot of steam.

Smackdown, hands down, has the best Women's Division of the two brands.


I think Charlotte use to be David flair..hmmmmmm??


Didn't you already make a thread about this, right under this thread?


Nikki Bella is nowhere near as good as you seem to think she is.

I am over Charlotte, I'm not over Sasha yet. I'd like to see her hold the belt and then drop it to Bayley at 'Mania.


Hate on Nikki all you want but she tells stories in her feuds and matches.
Right now she's bringing the best out of Carmella. Both are pushing each other

Right now Nikki is better than Sasha who botches all the time and is relying on dangerous dives and spots to Pop the crowd.

Also why does everyone want Sasha vs Bayley at WM? It won't be as good as their NXT matches cause it won't have half the story and excitement their NXT matches had.

Why do you want a lesser version of perfection? Shouldn't you want Charlotte, Sasha and Bayley to mix it up with Paige, Emma and Summer Rae.

Look at SD. They could have rushed into having Becky vs Nikki (The 2 most over Women on SD) but they're saving that and are mixing up the Women.
Becky is going to put over Alexa by getting her over with the mainstream audience. And hopefully their matches will be awesome
Nikki is having a pretty underrated feud with Carmella.

The SD women are mixing it up. RAW is giving us the same crap. Sasha bests Charlotte AGAIN on free TV. Who cares?
RAW is just a crappy remake of NXT and it's killing the ratings.

What's funny is people like you want new stuff but yet want to see Sasha vs Bayley AGAIN.

You're a bunch of nonsensical stupid idiots


Hate on Nikki all you want but she tells stories in her feuds and matches.

I have no idea where you're getting this idea that she tells stories in her matches. I just don't see it. I've seen her badly tell stories in feuds with bad acting.

Right now Nikki is better than Sasha who botches all the time and is relying on dangerous dives and spots to Pop the crowd.

I agree with you that Sasha relies too much on dangerous spots, but I'll take that over relying too much on shaking boobs and butt (Nikki).

Also why does everyone want Sasha vs Bayley at WM? It won't be as good as their NXT matches cause it won't have half the story and excitement their NXT matches had.

I know we'll disagree, but I'll say it, Bayley is the most over woman in the company, and Sasha is the second most over on Raw. You said a few days ago that Becky vs Nikki at WM would be like Rock vs Austin, I think Bayley vs Sasha is MUCH closer to that (though still far off).

Look at SD. They could have rushed into having Becky vs Nikki (The 2 most over Women on SD) but they're saving that and are mixing up the Women.

I totally agree with that, and I'm confused as to why you don't seem to get how you're contradicting yourself. I'm saying Sasha and Bayley should be saved for Mania, which is plenty of time to mix the two of them up with the other women.

You seem really convinced that Nikki Bella is this amazing wrestler and promo and all that, and I just don't see it at all. She's far from the worst but I don't think she's even top 5 in the company right now. However, since you're so adamant about this, what I would like is for you to give me a few Nikki Bella matches and a few Nikki Bella promos that you consider to be reflective of her talent and I will take the time to go and watch them. I'm very open to the idea that she's better than I think she is. I just need you to point me in the right direction.


Charlotte be crazy tonight. 😨

Anyone familiar with denial-of-service attacks, PM me.



I feel like it's already begun 4-5 times now, lol



Charlotte knocked it out of the park tonight. I like her intensity and savagery in the ring. Sasha is good as well. Who I'm over, if anyone, is Dana with her subservient act. Charlotte doesn't need her.

I wish Charlotte would wear her robe going into the ring, do the twirl, then take it off and hand it to a ring attendant like her dad did. The robe drop on the ramp is what Chris Masters did, but he did it a lot better, since he had a great physique to show off and flaunt.

Bill Gates was here 👉 X


I just hope Sasha gets a decent run with the belt now. Charlotte has had her time with it, we need a Sasha and Bayley feud now.


I like Sasha, but at least once per match she'll do something that makes me cringe thinking "girl, you're gonna break your neck."

Anyone familiar with denial-of-service attacks, PM me.


No. I thought it was awesome that they got given the main event of Raw this week and it is about time WWE let some female wrestlers be in the main event matches on their top shows instead of only giving it to guys.

The last time I even remember Raw having a main event with female wrestlers was Lita vs Victoria in a Cage Match and that was well over a decade ago.


It don't matter if it's raining
Nothing can phase me
I make my own sunshine
And if you think you can break me
Baby, you're crazy
I make my own sunshine
