MovieChat Forums > Me, Myself & Irene (2000) Discussion > All the ways this movie fails (I failed,...

All the ways this movie fails (I failed,too)

I got this movie today for free.

Completely legitimately, too. There's a 'community shelf' where anyone can drop anything (within reason and limitations of the rules), and anyone can take anything from, too.

I think it's a great idea, it's like recycling - those that can find value for things that others no longer want, so you don't have to throw things to garbage or try to sell stuff you don't need or want anymore.

I have actually made a point to sometimes put relatively valuable stuff in there to delight some stranger who will find a small 'treasure', and I have noticed some others have done this, too, as I have sometimes found neat things there. Usually books and DVDs.

This system works better than you'd think - it's not just complete crap and trashy items, it's often good stuff.

So that's how I found this movie, completely free DVD with covers and everything intact.

I STILL feel someone owes me money after watching this turd.

This movie fails in so many ways, I don't think I can actually list ALL of them, but here are a few that come to mind.

1.) Comedy.

You put Jim Carrey in a movie made in 2000, and the audience has reasonable expectation for the movie to be funny. This movie isn't. I don't know WHAT it tries to be, but it fails in ALL aspects. You could say this movie is a bit... schizophrenic?

There isn't even one funny joke in the movie, and the movie begins by raising your stress levels by making an innocent man not only be accused of racism, heightism and whatnot, COMPLETELY and utterly unfairly, and instead of calling out the stupid and unfair limo driver for lying and wanting to be some kind of weird SJW without a cause, and ask him if he sees EVERYTHING through race and height, and takes EVERYTHING as racism or heightism, he just weakly tries to defend himself, and then the WIFE - who is supposed to be on HIS side, dagnabit! - comes to APOLOGIZE for something the innocent man didn't do!

Is this movie trying to stress the viewer out almost immediately? What the heck is the point of this scene, where a physically weaker attacks a physically stronger and the physically stronger isn't allowed to even defend himself? (Where have I seen THIS before.. oh yeah, EVERY SINGLE women vs. men-argument, fight or confrontation, where men aren't allowed to fight back and are supposed to let women stomp all over them - it's like if a child attacks an adult man, what can you do as adult man? Really and seriously, what can you do? You can't punch them back, but if you don't do something, you'll get pummeled (a two-year old has enough power to kill an adult, just by the way))

Anyway, so this man is immediately put into an impossible situation, and the wife makes it WORSE by taking the wrongful accuser's side?! WHAT IS THIS MOVIE?

This is NOT comedy - it might be, if this situation was 'silly and absurd', but it's actually so realistic, there's nothing humorous about it, even potentially.

2.) Romantic comedy, or Rom-com, as they say

What .. the.. does every movie HAVE to be 'romcom' these days? Can't we just have a comedy, a movie, a story, without it ALWAYS ending up being this cliché romcom where the wimp gets the girl because the girl feels so sorry for the wimp and in the end the white knight rescues the maiden from the evil antagonist or whatnot.. GROAN! Do we have to see this paint-by-the-numbers unrealistic cliché trope WITHOUT ANY IMAGINATION OR VARIATION in this many movies?

WHY ruin a Jim Carrey movie with this cliché-trope garbage, when he has shown to be capable of really elevating a comedy if you give him a chance?

3.) Coherence

This movie jumps all over the place, and there's no clarity in anything. So 'Hank' is this tough guy that can do all the things 'Charlie' is afraid and thus unable to do, but he STILL gets beaten up constantly (no power) and gets kicked around (basically no point in even existing), and ends up only being good at ... bullying kids? What? Why?

He speaks in this stupid 'Clint Eastwood'-wannabe-mumble that's pretty darn hard to understand, uses odd metaphors, and _YET_, when the plot so demands all of the sudden, he can 'pretend to be Charlie' (so what's the point of the whole 'Hank' character if he can just superficially mimic Charlie anyway? Why does he use that stupid voice so much if he can use Charlie's voice? How does he know so much about Charlie, when earlier in the movie he explained how he can't know anything about him? NOTHING MAKES SENSE!!)


4.) Realism

What a 'Bluepill(and balls)-SJW-WhiteKnight-Simp''s wet dream! You 'play nice' and open doors and that makes a post-wall hag fall in love with you and want to marry you, yay! Also, ALWAYS GET MARRIED IMMEDIATELY, because.. err.. well, that's how you 'get the girl', I suppose.

No one has ever explained to me why people even get married. I have not found one good reason. I kinda like the idea of it, but I have tried to find _ONE_ good reason to do it, for example, from things you can do when married, that you can't do without being married.

It has taken me decades, and I still haven't found even one reason, even a mediocre one. Some kind of legality about kids? I don't know. Basically marriage is a legal contract inviting government into your bedroom. WHY would anyone want that, unless there's at least SOME benefit? Ah, women get most of a man's possessions, and the man has to sleep on a futon. What about benefits for the man? All I hear is crickets.

This movie does show ONE realistic bit; you marry a woman, then the woman meets a charismatic alpha male and you end up raising his kids. This happens more than people think, and all the simps, especially married ones, that think they're the father of 'their kids' - well, there's a really high percentage that really aren't, but don't know about it.

How do I know? I have looked at female behaviour in various specieces, and especially the bipedal entities of this world.. it's an effective mating strategy, the woman gets to have fun with the 'alpha', and gets to raise 'alpha genes', while happy mr. 'beta bucks' simp pays for the lifestyle without having a clue. It makes sense.. I would be willing to bet that if most beta simps that think they're fathers, would do DNA tests, at least 65% would find the DNA doesn't match, and they never ACTUALLY reproduced...


The most unrealistic, and the most clichéic part of the movie is how the semi-ugly female lead of this movie is shown to 'fall in love' with Charlie (if Hank had been realistically shown as confident alpha male instead of some goofy Clint-wannabe, she would have falled in love with Hank, but never Charlie - if the situation was real life, that is, or if the movie was realistic).

It happens EXACTLY like in every other lying rom-com that does not dare show the REAL relationship and sexual attraction psychology and dynamics between men and women in this world. No movie seems to dare show the reality and truth about female psyche - no wonder simps think by 'rescuing maidens' they will get laid, because it ALWAYS works in these movies. The 'nicer' and 'gentler' you are in a romcom, the more likely you will get laid.

5.) Music

Not only is the music the most appalling, soulless, and yet ear-torturing, typical, paint-by-the-numbers guitar noise with the most irritating singing voice and crap, it's layered throughout EVEN SPEAKING PARTS and almost everywhere. This movie doesn't know how to be silent, how to use silence, how to let people actually hear the speaking portions without some crap constantly torturing your ears and soul in the background. Anyone drives a vehicle? Swell up the horrible elevator music. Anyone not speaking? Rise volume of the already-playing awful crap 'rock' or whatever this genre of 'music' is called.

This movie even uses this 'music' VERY weirdly, like the part where they're trying to find Irene in the train - not only is this weird music constantly playing, but it creates a very surreal experience, as in "this is NOT how movies use music!"

When a movie uses music masterfully, it adds to the immersion and pulls you in and makes you interested in what's happening.


This movie uses music in a way that takes you OUT of what's happening, because you have to suddenly stop to wonder why you are becoming more and more irritated by something illogical - - ah, it's the stupid soundtrack that just keeps playing crap when it shouldn't, OR when it should play ACTUAL SCORE-type music, like John Williams or something.

Action music? No such thing, it's all this same, lame, slow-paced 'rock' crap. WHO THE HECK GREENLIT THIS?!

You can't ever even escape the music, because it plays mercilessly even through dialogue.

No wonder I couldn't remember almost anything about this movie, my thought was: "oh, THIS movie - I remember kinda hating it, but hey, it has Jim Carrey, how bad could it be?"

I should've used my initial judgment decades ago and never watch this again.. I want my life back!

The other ways this movie fails are too numerous to list, but just to mention..

Acting (even for Jim Carrey, this is weird), situations (a white guy raising three black men and.. KISSING them? What the..), animal cruelty (what the heck were those cow and chicken scenes?! Seriously, who thought that was a good idea?!), story (it barely makes sense, and STILL manages to become such a cliché you know what's going to happen long before the 'climax' is reached), disgusting stuff (I had to skip so many scenes, and still I get a 'thumb gets blown off' scene), illogical stuff (who jumps into a RIVER with an open wound?! INFECTIONS, ANYONE?!), writing (they must've been the laziest people ever or on experimental drugs or both)..

I can't even tell if they really tried to make a comedy, or if this is one of Jim's 'I am a serious actor, let's do an unfunny movie'-attempts (most of which failed miserably - he should've kept making funny movies).

Who the heck greenlit this movie, and WHY?


This same cliché about 'nice guy with a double personality unrealistically gets the girl' (except in that one, the girl actually looked pretty good) was done _SO_ much better in 'The Mask'.

That movie was at least fun, and gave Carrey more to work with, and his 'weirdness' was easily explained, so it was all good. But here, 'Hank' is just weird and it's not as plausible. The whole 'dry mouth' scene was just horrifying and disgusting, nothing else.

What were they thinking?

This movie is like taking a good movie, like The Mask, removing all the funny, charming or entertaining parts, replacing its swinging music and great score with the lamest, most stock 'rock' you can find, then layering and peppering that aural feces all over the whole production, and then making sure almost nothing makes sense and then calling it a day.

How can they go SO wrong in all possible ways? I wish this movie had at least ONE redeeming quality, but it doesn't. Nothing about this is good in any way.

Did I mention the villains are lackluster, unmemorable, cartoony, boring and lame?

Did I mention the whole plot makes no sense at all?

I am tired of even thinking about this movie, I hope I never have to do that again.


you lost me a bit at
"What a 'Bluepill(and balls)-SJW-WhiteKnight-Simp''s wet dream! "

"This movie does show ONE realistic bit; you marry a woman, then the woman meets a charismatic alpha male and you end up raising his kids. "

You really have a lot of respect for women dont you.
