I could agree with the OP more.
See how stupid it sounds, when you use a saying wrong? And yet many people will still write "I could care less" or even worse, "I could careless".
I, OF COURSE, mean: "I couldn't agree with the OP more". I agree so much, 'more' would be an impossibility.
I care so little, caring any less is impossible = I could NOT care any less = I couldn't care less.
In any case, the so-called 'music' in this horrible movie is the final nail in its coffin. It's not only BAD 'music', it's also USED wrong, and it's the WRONG KIND of music for every scene, and it STILL PLAYS even when people are already speaking.
I can understand using a bit of nice music when there's a 'driving scene' when no one is saying much and it's a 'traveling type' movie. But when the movie is the wrong kind, it just IRRITATES the viewer, who then wishes the stupid driving scene to end JUST so their ears would get some relief.
But the dámn thing KEEPS PLAYING even after the driving scene! IT NEVER STOPS!!
AAGGH!! This is the worst music in any movie ever, for SO many reasons, not only the music choices, but it doesn't fit, it is used wrong, it plays when people are speaking, it's like these people were in love with this music and couldn't get enough, so they let the music piss all over the movie and now you can barely even watch it at all because that damn aural poison creeps in EVERYWHERE.. just when you think it's finally over, it starts again, and it's ALWAYS the wrong type for the scene.
How did they mess it up so badly!? Why is there absolutely NO score music at all? Buy a violin or hire a small quartet to play 5 seconds of 'tension' music or SOMETHING, for crying out loud!