Funniest Scene

My favorite scene was when Hank went into the grocery store and took over the intercom. WHat he said, "Vagiclean, price check on Vagiclean. Isle 5. A little extra cheese on the taco?" We have a full-on fallopian fungus. She is baking a loaf of bread, and I think its sourdough." Still cracks me up.


The scene when the soft-ball guy throws his cig, and Jim Carrey says:

"Hey Ringworm".

That little line kills me every time :)

"Keep the Ancient Flame still Burning"


"He shot a prize cow six times in the head, poor thing's lucky to be alive."


My favorite line in the movie! Just the way he says it!


I can't believe no one has said the fight with the 9 year old kid drinking the milkshake at the restaurant."Hank" hops up and starts yelling at the kid: "C'mon you pussy!" Whattaya chicken? Ya gotta have your mom break up your fights!" *brawrk!* *brawrk!* (chicken noises)

I almost piss my pant laughing everytime I see that!

"Stick with me baby, and you'll be fartin' thru silk!"


lmao It has to be the cow scene, then when on the train he calls her a pussy fart and he starts fighting himself.


Watch the deleted scenes: the "sex flashback" scene is by far the funniest of anything that happens during the movie. I can't believe they cut it out!

If you disagree with me and think I'm a total ass_hole, then why are you reading my signature?


teh rhinoseraus scene hihihihi


The boot (trunk) scene with the dildo and bottle of Bacardi etc.

Funny as *beep*!


The funniest scene/line was when Hank is laying on the car and talks about Charlie ¨He´s like origami, he folds under pressure¨ then Hank slides down the hood haha.


The whole "it wasn't for me" scene is great. Another of my favorites is when they are driving and charlie/hank is sleeping. Irene looks down at his crotch and he starts developing a huge erection, the look on his face and the nod he gives her is priceless!


the scene at the fastfood with the little boy with glasses, dropping his drink as Hank is challenging him to fight.


The whistling broken nose gets me every single time. I just love the way they dragged it in the movie.


Can't believe no one mentioned the first time Charlie changes into Hank, I laugh insanely every time I see it. Jim Carrey is the only actor who could pull that one off.

And another thing, I hate it when people don't separate their signatures from their posts.


Yes those facial expressions were priceless what gets me is his expression just before he facepalms himself to try to restrain himself lol.

another funny scene not mentioned here was when they confronted Chris Cooper's character and he says there's a camera on the motorbike, then while distracted throws sand at him only to hit Irene! lol then he bobs around like an idiot "Hard to hit a moving target isnt it?" only to get hit lol.


The midget scene in the beginning.
