It's not silly, it's not a comedy, it's much closer to drama than anything else, but it fails as a drama, too.
For it to be comedy, there would have to be something funny about it.
The thing about this whole stuff is, 'schizophrenia' and 'split personality' USED to mean pretty much the same thing, but then the psychiatry itself started changing definitions and terminologies, and then there's suddenly schizotypal (which you are, if you are interested in certain topics - how's that for SCIENCE!), schizoid, and all the other stuff. Then suddenly 'schizophrenic' could mean a dozen different things, because it's just more convenient for labeling people that way.
Nowadays they have changed everything to a 'something disorder', because human beings have to have ORDER, don't you know.
They have also removed easily understood terms, like 'manic-depressive' and replaced them with bureaucratic nightmares, like 'bipolar disorder'. I mean, why should laymen understand their fancy, and oh-so-scientific and proven diagnoses, whjen they can use cumbersome, stuffy and bureaucratic lingo that you can only understand if you have researched the new terminology.
Split personality is something like 'dissociative personality disorder' nowadays, I think .. the craziest thing on this planet is psychiatry and its ever-changing terminology.
You can't blame a movie for wanting to make things clear and using the contemporary terminology, you should blame psychiatry for constantly messing with it because they are always expanding their 'diagnoses' possibilities so more people can be put to medications so big pharma can get richer.
They often come up with a 'drug', then they try to see what it could fit, instead of 'trying to find a drug that cures.. sorry, TREATS an existing ailment'. That's how business, profit and corporations work in the wonderful world of 'human health'.
They don't want to cure anything, that's bad business. They want to 'endlessly treat' everything = max.profit