Sorry to have to go against you here, but I feel compelled to bring up the following:
1. Robots are NOT humans. This worn-out notion that somehow metal and wire put together in the shape of a person can somehow have feelings, which come solely from BEING ALIVE. If y.....
Your argument is flawed, both philosophically and scientifically. Feelings do NOT come from being alive. They come from chemical reactions. You could actually recreate the exact same chemical reactions in a petrie dish -hell, even inside a garbage can-. However, there would not be any 'thing' to "feel" these feelings. To do so, one would need a sensory organ capable of interpreting said feelings (chemical reactions/ hormone release/ etc...). Enter the brain. I believe that the movie makes it clear that Andrew HAS a brain -albeit a positronic one-, and thus has the potential to feel feeling. I believe that it is also made clear in the movie, that when Andrew develops his artificial organs (organs are responsible for the release of many of these chemicals and hormones which are responsible for the feelings WE feel) that he then has the ability to feel, just as we do.
This makes perfect sense. From a scientific POV, too. The reality of it is beyond us at the moment, but the theory is 100% spot-on-the-money.
2. Robots can NOT have erections or be sexually excited...
Wrong again. I believe the sex-toy industry has made remarkable advances in this field. I saw a show on tv once which showed a new sex-doll (male) which was capable of ejaculating. The girl just pushes a button, and her doll blows a load -of whatever- inside (or on) her. But you were talking about hard-ons. An errection is the result of blood engorging the gland in question. Here's the trick, though: It doesn't need to be blood that engorges said penis. It can even be air/ gel/ any-bloody-liquid, as is the case in some current devices for those with genital deformation/ malformation/ severe E.D. Now I believe that the artificial penis in the movie would have been much more sophisticated than a simple penis pump (which as I say, currently exists, and can be used to allow those unable to otherwise gain/ maintain errections to now do so). We have seen -in the film- that Andrew creates an artificial nervous system, artificial organs, etc... It is not a stretch to imagine that they could create an artificial penis. Not at all, especially considering how good we are at doing that now.
3. The robot has a serious complex- he hates who he is and wants as much science and surgery as possible to try and be something different. And when he gets close enough, he deludes...
Your first sentence (in point #3) describes about 20% of the women I know, and about 10% of the men, in this world, now. Now if you were talking about Michael Jackson in point #3, I'd agree with you, but I suspect you aren't, and I think you've missed something vital here. I think you're confusing the desire to better one's self (as taught to Andrew by "Sir" early in the movie), with hating yourself and wanting to change. I don't know, maybe you have horrendously low self-esteem and are just projecting, but you've certainly missed -perhaps wilfully- an important part of this movie.
4.This is crap, because he HAS NO SOUL and is NOT REAL. A factory can't make something out of metal and wire, and then later demand that God give it a soul...
Now I think I understand you better. This offends your "christian sensibilities" (everyone else, please excuse the oxymoron). You believe that the new testament is the literal word of God, and that only humans have souls. Unfortunately, however, this is a discussion I cannot have with you. I don't think you're capable of truly delving into the theological, philosophical, and theoretical realms to objectively explore what it means to be human, what it means to have a soul, what is a soul, whether a soul is given/ earned, etc....
I say this, not to insult you, but because I believe that instead of examining evidence, and deciding rationally, that you would be more likely to quote the bible. Repeatedly. Maybe I'm wrong about you, but regardless, it seems that you are letting your christian beliefs close your mind to a world of possibilities outisde of the new testament. In any case, you cannot prove that even YOU have a soul.
Moving on; The movie makes no assertion one way, or another about his soul. The court is there strictly in a legal capacity to determine if it is LEGAL for him to MARRY a human. At no point anywhere in the film does anyone demand that God gave Andrew a soul. However, as only a human can marry a human (except for some southern U.S. states, I believe...), for him to be able to marry Porsche, he had to be seen as LEGALLY human. You will notice that at no point in any of the court proceedings, does anyone mention a "soul" as everyone (except for you, it seems) knows that it can NOT be PROVEN one way or another if they even exist. Unless, of course, you count pointing to the bible and exclaiming "It's all proven in here!" as proof...
The only POSSIBLE allusion to a soul is the last line Porsche utters "I'll see you soon." It's possible that she believed in christian mythology, and that they would be together in heaven/ hell/ limbo/ whatever. But then again, it's just as possible that she believed in re-incarnation, and believed that in another life, the essential force that made her "Her" would meet once again with the essential force that made him "Him". But it doesn't matter. You know why? Because she isn't claiming his soul as fact, she's saying what she feels, what she hopes, and perhaps even what she dares to believe. That the "something" that made her unique will one day ('soon') meet up with the special "something" that made him unique. It is NOT A CLAIM.
Beyond all this, however, I think you need to bear in mind that this is A BLOODY SCIENCE FICTION MOVIE!!!! To tell you the truth, you have thus far come across as a severely retarted and very special breed of moron. I am truly hoping that this is not the case, however, and that you will be able to -one day- watch this movie, and to see it; to truly see it beyond the confines of what religion forces you to believe is true, and that you might open your mind to the possibilities of what a good science fiction movie can offer.
I'm sorry if I've offended you with this post, but all of your arguments are fatally flawed, and seem to be written out of spite, that stems from the percieved discord between the movie and your faith.
Peace out.