Completely useless premise and plot line...
This movie is so stupid, it's hard to know where to begin...
1. Robots are NOT humans. This worn-out notion that somehow metal and wire put together in the shape of a person can somehow have feelings, which come solely from BEING ALIVE. If you're NOT ALIVE, you can't feel anything... Feelings of sadness, loneliness, joy, etc. come from actual chemical reactions in the body and are impossible to create in another setting. I realize it's just a movie, but come on...
2. Robots can NOT have erections or be sexually excited. This is the dumbest part of the film- when the robot gets a penis attached to his metal and wire, which somehow can get engorged with blood (which he doesn't have) and semen (which he doesn't have). The movie doesn't even try to explain this, even in the usual BS way they do normally.
3. The robot has a serious complex- he hates who he is and wants as much science and surgery as possible to try and be something different. And when he gets close enough, he deludes himself into thinking that he is normal. But of course, he's still just metal and wire- only now he has a magic fake penis. Then, he essentially commits suicide by having the scientists WIRE him (admitting at least once that he's not real) to 'die'.
4. Worst of all is when he 'dies'. He somehow implies that he'll be in heaven or the afterlife. This is crap, because he HAS NO SOUL and is NOT REAL. A factory can't make something out of metal and wire, and then later demand that God give it a soul. The only place he's going is to the scrap yard to be recycled- where at least he'll finally be put to some use, since he became so selfish and lazy, and stopped doing what he was made to do (serve humans) 100 years earlier. But, I'm sure the 'World Court', which has obviously replaced the US and all nation-states, has the god-like power to determine who has a soul and who doesn't it.
I could go on, but it's just too painful.