It probably has to do with the episode when Brian got killed. The fans reacted very bad to it, and wanted him back. I think that was the only reason they did bring him back, because of the fan pressure.
The fan reaction had nothing to do with Brian returning two episodes later. He would have been back if the fans loved him dead, hated him dead or didn't care in the slightest.
The production codes show a three episode arc [BACX05|BACX06|BACX07] plus Brian's return was Season 12's Christmas episode so he was always coming back when he did.
Besides, think about it, it takes anywhere from eight months to a year to create one episode, if they planned on killing Brian off for good, there's simply no way they could have written, created and aired his return episode three weeks later based on fan reaction without... you know... bending the fabric of space & time.