Criminally Underrated

Can you see? This is one of the 5 best sci-if entries in the 21st century and quite possibly Spielbergs last great entry in this genre. I am a little surprised by the IMDb rating being 7.7 but this site does not have the best track record for ratings. Anyone else think it is underrated?


It's a little underrated, yes, but not criminally.

Top 5 of the 21st century...?

I don't know about's a strong contender, at least, but it's going up against Children of Men, Snowpiercer, Looper, Under the Skin, Moon, Dredd, Serenity, Mad Max: Fury Road, Inception, Melancholia, Attack the Block, Ex Machina, Her, Gravity, Blade Runner 2049 (which, okay, came out after this post...), District 9, Donnie Darko, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 28 Days Later, A Scanner Darkly, and The Fountain.

That's some stiff competition...
