I have noticed that a Lot of people will list the classics, and while there is nothing wrong with them, or they would Not be classics, it would be Nice to see people reccomend Books that are More Modern , and maybe NOT from " the established" classics List..so with that in mind I present..
1. Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke
2. Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein
3. Cold as Ice by Charles Sheffield
4. Beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress
5. Foundation, Second Foundation and, Foundation & Empire by Isaac Asimov.
I Include three books as one, because technically they were not written as novels, but as connected novella's and short stories, they are connected thematically, and the only reason for how they were divided were economically based.. Not based on internal structure. If Published today chances are they would all be One Novel.
On number 2, I preferr the recently released Unexpurgated version that never saw the light of day in Heinlein's lifetime... almost a full third of the book was edited out, because the publisher did not think anyone would buy a science fiction book that big.
Each of these books made the list for me , because Not only are the themes different , and not so often explored , but the way in which they were explored showed enormous genius. The Kind of Novels, you pick up... read to the last sentence, and having read that final line, all you can do is go..' wow."