Matt Daemon's appearance

Is it just me who sees the parallel drawn between this movie and "Good Will Hunting", when Matt appears in the end of the movie?

Pretty much the same plot... Gifted young man acquires the assistance of an elder who isn't as gifted, but still contains something that the youngster needs to succeed.
Was the director being a bit self-ironic by using Matt or am I just over-analysing?


cool cameo


yes, this movie is basically Good Will Hunting but with a African-American protagonist).


I actually thought of The Rain Maker seeing that Matt Damons's character was also a lawyer in that movie.


Reminded me also of his character in the rainmaker, if I had time I'd look up the legal firms name he worked for , see if it was the same.
He acted like rainmaker not good will also.

Who posted the idea that it was in regard to the claims Affleck & Damon didn't write good will, I like that idea too...


I think your connection with Good Will Hunting is mostly you. However, others may agree with you since these films were made only three years apart. I saw Matt Damon as the lawyer and thought why would he take such a small part? Good Luck and Stay Safe.

