MovieChat Forums > The Devil's Arithmetic (1999) Discussion > Why is it called 'The Devil's Arithmetic...

Why is it called 'The Devil's Arithmetic'?

I just saw the movie the other day (could've been better btw) but I still don't know why it's called that.. Anyone might wanna explain???


I think it has something to do with the numbers tatooed on the arms of the Holocaust victoms and survivors. Though I don't remember the exact reason, I think it might be because of the number of people dying, and the sheer amount of people killed through the work of the Devil. . . that sort of thing.


Well, that was my guess too, but I just thought that I was wrong.. Oh well..


It's called the Devil's Arithmetic because of the function of the camps.

For every 1 that dies, 1 will enter. Leaving none left.

1 + 1 = 0


I think anothe reason it's called that is that the Nazis were into scientific thought and education, but used it for evil purposes.


it is th numbers.. in the book she starts coutning to remember and says to herself its the devils arithmetic
" I hate people when they're not polite"


They worked for Yahweh and Amaterasu.


Earlier on in the movie when Hannah is at passover, her grandfather (or some other old man) talks about the Devil's Arithmetic, where "you and and subtract and then there are no more Jews".


again, thanks for all the answers..


In the book it says something about how the days, when Hannah is in the concentration camp, go by 1 by 1 by 1, adding up like the Devil's Arithmetic. Then the tattooed numbers and the death tolls. So there really isn't one solid reason for the name of the book/movie.


Add one Jew and subtract one Jew until no more are left.

Also, to remember the numbers on their arms, they could go interpret the numbers as something else. Hence, arithmetic purely of the devil.


It's called 'The Devil's Arithmetic' because for the Nazis they add and subtract Jews. While for the Jews it was simply to add one more day that they have survived in the gruesome camp.

I practice three hours a day, so when I meet a pirate, I can kill him!


I remember reading this in about the 6th grade. Its a good book. I also remember being embarrassed reading a part about how they had to strip in the showers. I didn't realize the horror and humiliation of that. Our history and literature classes have recently started studying World War II and the Holocaust. We watched several films about Holocaust survivors. I must say that it was truly shocking. You could count their bones and their eyes were sunken in. It was very troubling. I felt so guilty too. I have no idea why, but I did. I didn't watch all of the movie, but from what I saw it was pretty good. I liked the details of the book better, but I think making Hannah older was the right decision. It seemed more fitting. Well...I'm done babbling.

There is no place like home.
Ah h8 pPl DaT tYp3 lYk Di5.


we just read the book in reading, and for anyone that read the book, you'll know what i'm talking about. Gitl said that each day that they are alive adds up. 1+1+1. exact quote from the book.


sic1701 is right. They talked about how for the Nazis all it was, was taking one away putting one in it's place. And the Devil part comes in as the Nazis. To the Jews they were the Devil.


i heard that it was that they added up all the jews and then subracted them. (killed them)


Actually I think that the Nazis took the place of God to the Jews. This is explictly demonstrated in Elie Wiesels's "Night." Nazi's now had all power over their lives, when they would live and when they would die. What they would eat, wear, then they would work sleep. All aspects of their new life were no longer controlled by their former God, but now by the Nazis.


In a way, I agree with you. But that's only if they believe in a "brimstone and hellfire" God. Which I believe most, if not all, didn't. The Jews didn't understand why they were being punished in such a way that allowed their people to die arbitrarily. While the Nazis held the power and controlled every aspect of their lives, they didn't grant the Jews free will. The fact that so many Jews continued to pray to God in their minds and in private proves that God for them was not replaced. Some Jews even practived the Sabbath ritual in private. So, you make a good point, but I think you might be confusing power/control with the true ultimate being.



I think it is a reference to Hitler as the Devil and his belief that there was a perfect equation to eliminating not just the Jews but all inferior races ie Poles, Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, etc...

28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds


i have no clue. ask the author of the book and tell me please and thank you


ok i'm sorry but why did you feel the need to post that as an answer? if you don't know, don't respond.....anyway, what people have said about the add one jew subtract one jew is correct, it can also be taken as a metaphor for what happened in the Holocaust. The devil symbolizes hitler and the arithmatic symbolizes the ellimination of people that he found imperfect. And I also just want to say that I found the movie amazing. I thought that really showed a taste of what the Holocaust was like.


the movie was very different from the book, i was kind of dissapionted, its called the Devils Arithmetic because to the naizs, the jews were just a number, thats it. they were nothing. just workers till the next shipment came in. and the dates were wrong, if you were taken in 1941, the nazis were jjust killing them at random still right? they didnt have lobor camps, just death camps, and ghettos, untill the nazis saw an oppertuinity to use the jews to make things for them and the for the war

and the life expendicy was 3 months. so it shold have been set in 1944-45 for her aunt to be a servivor, and i dont remeber that rabbi stuff in the book, was that just added? to make the movie longer?

sorry, im very pashionate about WWII and the showa, my aunt(related by marriage), her mother was a serivor, and she educated us about what happend at a very young age.



I read the book it means day by day minute by minute second by second.


the way I understood it was they called the concentration camp the "Devil's Place" and when 3 people got chosen 3 people would enter the camp ect.
