I picked it up on DVD today, so logged on to see what the general opinion (without spoilers) was.
Whilst I absolutely agree that the Holocaust is probably the most abhorrent, tragic piece of human history conceivable, my own personal thought about the film is slightly different.
I hadn't realized it was a science-fiction film when I bought it, although given my interest in the Holocaust I probably would have still done. My feeling is that ANY film which makes the Holocaust "accessible" to younger people has to be a good thing. If it provokes any reaction, or causes them to research the subject a little more, that can only be positive.
I'm extremely fortunate that my son, who is 13, shares my passion for films, and regards "The Pianist" as his favourite film, closely followed by "Schindlers List". I can, however, see how they probably wouldn't appeal to his friends. When discussing Schindlers List with him and his friend, you could see the boredom descending over the face of his mate, at the mere prospect of a three hour, black and white war film. I daresay, presented with this, and an actress who younger viewers relate to, may interest him, and with a gentle push, might even persuade him to watch the more demanding films.
Even "Life is Beautiful", which as it's fundamental core is bordering on a comedy, manages to handle the subject with such sensitivity, it is difficult not to be completely blown away by what, on paper, should have been an absolute disaster.
Since I've yet to watch this, I'll reserve judgement on how tastefully done it actually is, but if it promotes Holocaust awareness among people who may otherwise give the subject a wide berth, then I'm all in favour of it.. Those are my thoughts on the subject, and any comments are very welcome. I certainly respect your position, and opinion, that it is a subject not to be taken lightly.
Best wishes