MovieChat Forums > Ringu (1998) Discussion > :: ORIGINAL vs REMAKE ::


I saw the remake a couple of times but I never saw this one, the original one. Is it better than the remake or is it not worth renting?

'I said I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just gonna bash your brains in!' - The Shining


I like the remake better. The original just doesn't do much for me.

I LOVE Jap-Horror, don't get me wrong, but for this particular film I prefer The Ring.

*Do not cry because it's over; Smile because it happened.*


Well, from what it appears to me, it looks, like the remake has tried to amalgamate the 1998 movie with elements from the original novel. Actually, both the American, and the Korean, remakes did that, and failed at it, miserably.

The long cursed video, which is studied in detail - fine, and all, it happened in both the novel, and in the 1995 TV movie, but there, it happened the right way - meaningful scenes, which get explained (and even those not all completely). The Korean remake also did this part well.
In the American remake, instead, we have a cursed video full of completely point-less scenes (as, if the people writing the damn movie had no understanding, whatsoever, of what the cursed video is supposed to be), and then the detailed research going like "Oh, theres a part of the image over to the side, and it so happens to contain important clues!" - a completely use-less plot device, why not just re-create the novel cursed video (complete with written messages), and put the lighthouse into the 3rd scene of the video (like in the novel)?

The whole typically American plot of horses, problematic child and parents, etc. - use-less. The original point of the Ring was that parents are valuable, and important, and loss thereof can lead a girl so far, as to create a cursed videotape. In the American remake, they reversed that completely - the cursed videotape was this time created for the opposite reasons - Samara wanted her parents to go away. Yes, way to destroy Mr. Suzuk's plot completely. In the Japanese versions, society in general was the one damaging Sadako, and causing her to eventually do what she does. In the American remake, it's Samara the one doing the damage to the society in general, basically removing any depth from her, whatsoever.
As for replacing the ESP demonstration with the horses - as per above, LOL.

This is, why any Japanese version, and even the Korean one (The Ring Virus), is so much superior to the American remake. ;)


I preferred the remake over the original.

I like how people who liked the original are saying people are stupid for liking the remake, or that the remake is the worst remake ever. I would think regardless of how you felt about the remake, it wouldn't hurt you to acknowledge that it's much better then the current state that horror movies have found themselves in.


I personally enjoyed the original more...don't get me wrong, I actually enjoyed The Ring but in a more "relaxed horror flick" sort of manner. It had some solid jump scares, good story, reasonable acting, and it's an entertaining, creepy film. The original though I found to be much more visceral, it has very few "jump" scares (there's a few...and they work), but it feels more thick, atmospheric and deliberate to me. It doesn't really get right into things like the remake, it starts with a little kernel of disconcerting weight and just very slowly but surely builds that up to a very effective and personal sort of feeling of impending. It's much slower paced, much slower to get into the action but that works for this material...I genuinely cared for the protagonists where in the Remake it just felt FELT like a movie. I couldn't suspend my disbelief long enough to fully be absorbed into the experiences...the actors felt a little too perfect in it and while it held my attention and was a fun film it just didn't have the disturbing factor this one held.


"I have often laughed at weaklings
who thought themselves good because
they had no claws."


The original is unbelievably superior.

"The Ring" is one of my least favorite movies ever. It is so ridiculously stupid and doesn't attempt to explain anything. Nothing in the movie is remotely scary. It is a completely incoherent film.

The original on the other hand, is excellent. It has a very cohesive narrative which explains everything satisfactorily. It is also 8 billion times scarier. The Ring has absolutely nothing scary in it at all. Ringu is quite terrifying. The characters are actually important, as opposed to The Ring where the characters are just there and nothing special.

It is unbelievable how terrible the remake is compared to the original.


I'm planning to watch Ringu again tonight, I've seen the american version first, then the original and then i've read the book, none of them is identical, many difference.

The american movie was good for the video tape, but that's all.
The original one was better on every way, the tape may be less scary but the atmosphere was better and characters were better to my point of view. I've reed all the 4 books and actually the original movie make more sens in a whole.

Something was better in the book however, the explanation to the origin of the tape.

The original was better then the american, but the book was better then the original. But they all worth watching.



I dig both films.

But the original is alot scarier in the long run. The Ring is scary in some places but the original gets into your head.

And also. CGI is not scary and the "crawling out of the TV"-scene in the remake didn't work at all.


Love the original... The remake was too "typical" for my liking; too much explained and little chock value - Didn't care for our lead either, Naomi Watts can go suck a big fat one.

In other words
Ringu 7½/10
The Ring 4½/10

The greatest being to ever walk the earth!


The American remake goes into more detail about the back story of the curse and the videotape, but the main scare contained in both films (the infamous coming out the TV scene), in done much better in Ringu mainly due to the fact it takes place in a small, dark apartment rather than a large, well lit studio apartment....

What makes you think I'll miss?


The original is a lot better and is actually scary, the remake was crap and very boring

Seriously when are Hollywood gonna stop making these crap remakes, they never come close to the Japanese versions

Golf Clap? C908F9F6C7EA56


Ringu was garbage . A Tale of Two Sisters was garbage. Shutter was pretty good. Have not seen Ju-On yet.


i think everyone should include which version they saw first, because that generally determines which one they'll like more.

i first saw the remake when i was 15 and it seriously scarred me for a while.. yes, scarred with two r's. i later watched the original and was moderately scared but having already seen the remake, it took the edge off of most of the shock factor. although i sincerely respect ringu and acknowledge that it is a wonderful film, i must say that the remake did improve on a lot of aspects of the original. the characters get slightly more hollywood-like, but in return the shock, horror and atmosphere are turned up to the max (in my opinion).


also getting rid of the boyfriend's psychic capabilities from ringu was a good move, at least in order to market the movie to a more american audience. other examples of this objective include getting rid of the original's volcano aspect and adding the horses in the remake. i thought that the american writers did a commendable job of not only redirecting the story, but also adding new twists of their own, such as the ladder leading to the room above the barn, the marbles rolling to the dip in the carpet, the tv hitting the woman into the well, etc.

i rewatched the remake several times and was always satisfied. i just finished watching the original tonight and was unfortunately slightly disappointed, although i'm sure it's because of my subconscious bias for whichever movie i saw first. both movies are great, and to say that one is terrible in comparison is a bit close-minded and extreme.


"Ringu was garbage . A Tale of Two Sisters was garbage. Shutter was pretty good. Have not seen Ju-On yet."


Fact - Ringu is superior to The Ring. Although The Ring was probably the best Asian Horror remake I've seen to date.

A tale of two sisters.. Garbage? Only the scariest and top grossing Korean horror locally. If you like Shutter but hate this one, it seems that you're more into visceral scares as opposed to psychological ones. ToTS runs loops around The Ring and Shutter in terms of psychological horror and depth. And please, if you think ToTS is garbage, then you should watch Uninvited and tell me what you think.

Shutter.. Superb Thai horror flick that is really really freaky, emotional and engaging as-well. Not better than Ringu and not better than ToTS.. but it holds its own grade of scare. Plus, don't watch the remake.. Horrible...

Dark Water - One of the most original, scary and downright tear jerking emotional horror movie to date.. The remake pales in comparison.. Pales.. as in.. should not be mentioned in the same sentence.

Pulse - Japanese version (Kairo)... A masterful eer-fest.. Probably one of the Eeriest (with a capital E) movies I've ever seen. Doesn't rely on loud noises and build up momentum, rather visceral narration that tells the story by the construction of the scenes and positional imagery of characters and backgrounds.. It relies on weird ambiance of modem squeals and something that could only be described as operatic falsetto... and then contrasted with long pauses of absence of sound... almost mute like dread that injects the loneliness under your skin and stays there for days.. it's not just eerie, it's downright frightening...

Now, take the U.S. remake of pulse... it's like alien vomit in contrast.


I'm not sure. I saw the remake when it came out and thought that it was a decent movie, but I liked the idea. In other words the idea was better than the movie.

After that I saw the original and thought it was much better than the remake.

Last year I read the book and have been wanting to see the movies over again. I just watched the original and thought that it sucked. I know that it was made in the 90's, but to me it has not held up well at all. It's looks really badly made.

People say that it builds up until the explosive ending... why is that a good thing? when they do that in American movies it's called a twist and we think that it shows a hack director that can't make a good movie so just throws in a crazy ending.

People also say that it doesn't spell things out for you like the American version...but when it comes to saying what happened with the high school kids you just have a girl saying "yep. those kids died." and not developing that plot at all, so is really subtly to make you think, or just a dropped plot point?

Also the tape was only like five seconds long. Did I watch an edited version or was there really not any more to that? I remember the book version and the American version having twice as many scenes.


I've only seen the original, but I found it mediocre and quite slow, not sure if I'm interesting in seeing the remake.


The original is way way way way way way way way better.
