Poll: how many people actually want Fanny to pick Henry?
I hear that so often and I get so appalled! Perhaps if you haven't read the book you might feel that way, but when reading the book one should discover clues through the whole thing of how correct Fanny is in denying him. And who can blame her for loving Edmund? The only person in her life that cares and sympathizes and understands. I suppose it is the cousin thing in our time, it does seem gross to some. The next time I read the book I am going to list the clues about Henry's and Mary's vices. It should be enough that he wants to flirt with her just to make her love him and then upon being turned down he has an affair with Maria; that should be enough, but oddly it isn't for most people. Henry does not have true love for Fanny and I find it easy to conjecture what their life would be like had she accepted him. He would have continued to flirt with other women- even Mary says that he would. But she says he wouldn't love anyone else. That is because I feel he cannot really love anyone but himself and although he seems to wholeheartedly woo Fanny he is just playing and acting as she says. Their marriage would have been very sad.
If anyone disagrees please post. I love hearing the reasons honestly.
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