Stupid Scenes in Movies

Hollywood film-makers do it because they think we like it. But we've paid our money up front and gone to see these films only to find the dumb stuff already there! Say what?

Perfect Storm, Opening scene: pretty girl tosses in bed in throes of nightmare. She wakes, looks out window and sees her beau's fishing fleet in calm waters. Blimey, for someone who's strapped for cash, she sure found a nice beachview property.

Cut to morning, play ET music. Visual: Triumphant return of two fleet boats flanking and frolicking with each other on their way back to harbour, etc, etc

Pretty girl sprints down to quayside to meet Marky Mark, flings arms round and practically humps him to death on the spot. Typical relationship there, then. A few hours later in the bar, when Clooney, the ships captain, offers him another bit of work, the heroine screams in Marky's face about his selfishness and storms off! I'm confused: does she want the mortgage arrears paid off or not? It appears the heroine is quite a terrible person, but female audiences are supposed to identify with her thus: 'you go, sister! you CAN have it all!'

Just before that little skit, we see a young man bundling a lady upstairs to the knocking shop above the bar. Moments later, as the bar ceiling shakes to the motion of their exertions, the 'herioine' raises her glass in salute to her fellow woman's prostitutory (is that a word?) activities. Ahh, so you approve, then?? I just DONT understand American women.

Meanwhile outside, another guy (John C. Reilly) negotiates with his ex-wife for time with his yong son. The wholesome ex, who makes clear she couldn't live the life they formerly had, happily agrees to allow the son to go in to the dive bar/knocking-shop with Pops to watch him get loaded and shoot pool for the next few hours!

Ok, enough. I switched channels and The Fugitive was just starting. Tommy Lee Jones, the deputy US Marshall pursues Harrison, while dressed head-to-toe in SWAT gear. Next scene, Tommy's dressed like a Harvard professor, gazing out from the 80th floor of his glass skysraper - because that's where the Marshall's office would be, right? 80th floor in the Financial District.
Then, a scene later, he's in hobo's rags for a ghetto raid (what happened to the SWAT gear??) Then he's back in his Harvard pomp, with his little red scarf, mincing after Harrisson as he tries to escape through the St Patricks Day parade!!

Time for bed, I think......


Thanks for the laugh and some new vocabulary for me : the knocking shop!! lol



Hey there Cindy...
You've never heard of the expression "The Knocking Shop"? (Until recently of course!)...
It's a common expression we use in the UK really, instead of brothel, whorehouse or whatever... =O)

All tha best,

PS - Um, only just noticed that your reply to the original post was, like, 4 years ago now! Oops! Oh well...


You're lucky you got out when you did, because up ahead were scenes where:

1 - a shark repeatedly tries to spit Marky Mark out, but Marky keeps sticking his leg back into the shark's mouth

2 - The Real Fishermen of Gloucester exchange bitchy insults and one of them threatens to toss the other overboard

3 - FX in which a stop-motion toy boat is superimposed on a Corbis video of a giant wave

Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.


To the OP: Troll harder next time.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.


The scene where the guy on the hurricane hunter plane declares that it's a category 5. Why did they have to throw that in there? Hurricane Grace never made it past category 2, which was apparently bad enough.






Wow, you missed a lot and made up a alot.

She doesn't have "beachfront property." She and Mark Wahlberg live in a small room above the bar. The bar is on the dock. The dock is by the ocean. The Atlantic Ocean is a pretty big part of geography on the esatern portion of N. America. You don't have to have money to see it. Even rinky dink fishing towns (like the one in this movie)get access to it.

The bar is not a "knocking shop" and the women aren't prostitutes. The young man you mentioned, Alfred Pierre also has a room above the bar. The woman he is with is his girlfriend, not a whore. Listening to the dialogue when you watch a movie helps. Bugsy mentions that they had already been upstairs and came down for a quick drink before heading back up. He had been out at see for an extended period of time and they were making up for lost time. She is also seen with him a few days later on the day they leave again. Diane Lane raises her glass in approval because she intends to do the same with her boyfriend. Tacky? Maybe, but it's a fishing town. They are blue collar people.

As for her getting mad, WHAT MORTGAGE? Where did you get that? They were saving up to get a place of their own because they didn't want to live above the bar. There is a scene that shows her moving things into a place. Either they rented it or are buying it which probably would require a mortgage but they didn't have one at the moment nor was mention made of it to my memory. And she would have had to buy it alone because as she mentions in a letter/her journal, it's a surprise.

John C. Reilly did not take his son into a bar and get loaded. His ex-wife who he is on good terms with allowed him to hang out with his son for 1 HOUR, not a few. Agian, DIALOGUE. There is a scene of him and his son shooting pool with a bunch of other guys who all cheer and clap when the kid makes a shot. He is with his father and his friends who are good people and happy to have him around. Again, it's a small fishing village and the mother knows that no one in the bar would put her son in danger let alone his father who obviously loves him very much.

I won't even get into your problems with The Fugitive becasue they all seem to be that he doesn't wear the same clothes in every scene. But I do have to say, that a trench coat and gloves(?) is not SWAT gear. He plays a US Marshall and is never in SWAT attire as he is not a member of a SWAT team.

You need to actually pay attention when you watch movies. But it seems like you have more fun making wild suppostitions and trashing things without thinking about them.


^ exactly. Was the OP even watching this film or just sitting on a Laz-E-Boy looking for ways to knick this film? Maybe he had the volume down too low.


Sorry, this movie kept my attention. Still does. Nothing stupid about it. I am sorry you think so. My buck, my opinion.
