Delete your post Galaxy Quest-style!
[This post has been deleted because it won't say that stupid line one more time]
share[This post has been deleted because it won't say that stupid line one more time]
share[This post was deleted because I gave up and I surrendered.]
share[This post has been deleted because it was never serious about the craft.]
share[This post has been deleted because it wasn't a complete brain case.]
shareThis post had one <censored> job on this ship, it's stupid but it did it and been deleted.
share[This post was deleted because surrender might be our only option, but never give up, never surrender]
A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.
[This post originally wasnt deleted, but then the Omega 13 was activated]
A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.