Not suited for children

I remember this show from about 2000 on CN, and I have no idea how this is suppose to be seen as a show for children. You have scenes with puking, snot or/and different body fluids in every episode. I mean, it grossed *me* out, and I was 16 when the show aired for the first time.
Somehow it looks like this is a direction most new shows are taking. I remember the same thing with "Cow and Chicken" and "Two stupid dogs".
Anyone feel the same way, or am I being overly dramatic here?


you sound like a very Sheltered individual, to be 16 and be grossed out by PPG? It's pretty tame compared to others at the time.



Wow, what a bunch of little fairies in this thread...

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh I saw some little girl punch someone....

There were hell of a lot worse at the time. Kablaam, Rockos Modern Life, Two Stupid Dogs, Ren and Stimpy, Cow and Chicken just to name a few and you if you asked any kid my age(19) who grew up watching those show while they were 8-12 or whatever they will say they loved those shows because they were FUNNY! and if you're too sheltered or your parents are some sort of religious zealots then I feel sorry for you...


Haha agreed! ^^^

R.I.P. Heath Ledger 1979-2008


I think your crazy.

I LOVED the show when I was little. and I turned out just fine. haha

[and I don't remeber any body flids episodes.]



To Person Who Started This Forum:

Comedically, you are a prude. You probably don't remember it, but I'm almost sure that there was a time when even you too thought that poop, puke, farts and other nastiness were hilarious. I'm 21 and it's still pretty much one of the best forms of comedy if done right.

And in a kid's show....fuggedaboutit!! Children love gross out humor and food fights and slime and all that good stuff! They like playing in the mud and being real people. Society brainwashes us into being stuck up and overly ordered, but children are pure and follow natural human instinct.

"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon




I watched this when I was 8 back in 98. I'm 20 now, and a great guy





