Why doesn't she go "I Spit on Your Grave" on him then if that was actually the case? And is rape a legal matter, a social issue or a deeply personal attack for the victim that allows them and should allow them to decide how their perpetrator is to be punished, especially if law itself cannot prosecute him? (I believe its a COMBINATION of those issues and yes it is a terrible deed and a criminal offense.)
P.S. I haven't seen the movie in a long time, but was the movie in some or other ways being AMBIGUOUS about the whole "was it or was it not" a rape scene?
And 2 aqib4 - do other people also change their minds about it, and is it really true that some women may change their minds so much that even if they have consensual sex but feel bad about it, even if they were not forced into it in any way or were physically hurt in the process, they consider it rape (in a literal sense) totally and want to report the person they slept with to the police like that? And even if that may happen, isn't the percentage of those instances compared to actual rapes extremely low?
Also, reagrdless of the gender of whom THEY sleep with, do any MEN change their minds like that or are men and women incredibly different including psychologically (and it isn't a good or a bad thing in itself, just a fact of life) in the field of sex (not to mention the fact that women can get pregnant, they have a vagina and men have a penis and men have been the perpetrators of sexual violence against mostly women but not only women throughout the whole human history for thousands of years with all the terrible damage and emotional harm that this entails?)
And corinaam, I think that even violent criminals DON'T "deserve" to be raped, whatever punishment fits aside, this deed is completely inexcusably in any way, let alone suggest that innocent women do for simply being at the wrong place or dressing provocatively, God, I wish those stereotypes didn't exist in the first place to put such shame on humanity