The sweeping grand historical blockbuster in the mold of Gladiator, Braveheart, Titanic, Troy, The Last Samurai, and to a lesser extent, 300. Or is it only more suitable for television these days?
Now they are only making lame super hero movies these days. Movies like this and comedies and many other genres are suffering because of this stupid gay super hero trend. Fuck superheros!!! God damn nerds and the dang billion sucker large chinese market eating so much of that shit up nobody is trying to make anything original anymore..
I'm sick of the superhero movies too, and growing up I was a huge comic book fan for a few years. Like, everyone is still sick over Stan Lee. I mean, yeah it's sad, but I've been expecting him to die "any day now" since like 2003. It's not like it was a big surprise. Plus, how many people knew who Stan Lee was before The Avengers came out. But I digress.
Eventually, the "swords and sandals" movies will come back. They started to suck after awhile. Pretty soon, the superhero movies will suck beyond anyone being able to watch them.